Team BO Centrum Mountain Bike Sabie Report (Pitt Edition)

Setting up camp on Friday. Have you ever seen anyone that looks so out of place? I mean seriously, why did I bring her along?

End of race day 1. Team Centrum limping in with a semi respectable 05:59:19. And it's respectable because I had no tag alongs...

Team centrum replacing lost nutrients. And why aren't we sponsored by Castle? Crap, I am sure you would approve a Castle sponsorship instead of Centrum?

I know she appears to be smiling here (on the left), but she’s actually very angry at me for taking too long to bring her a banana. Won’t make that mistake again after she whipped me with her belt, what a "beep"!!!

Race day 2 : Ready steady go!!!

Katy was in happier mood after she had beat all the guys with her belt.

The guys Katy beat. We shared a tent that night, I can't take her beating anymore, besides, I didn't have to fetch no bananas, there were enough to share in the tent…


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