Train at the Train... (BOpa Edition)

This morning BOpa decided to join the Goat and the Panda for zie train. BOpa, as usual, very early and pitched 04:25. Zie Goat also early and join BOpa. We waited for zie rest of zie CL faaakers that only pitched around 04:50. Off we went and the ride started at a reasonable pace. The minute the group reached Northcliff, they started gunning and tried to drop the rest of the group, BOpa sitting at the back, hoping zie goat will accompany him, but zie Goat just want to be with the front guys. Goat for a second came to the back and checking on BOpa, that do not have a clue where the route is and worried that he will be dropped and get lost.

Goat: (snickers) 'pa, ju alive?
BOpa: (panting) just holding on...
Goat: (looks down on 'pa) zeusless.. this is easy kak, I chewn M***** & P***** every Tuesday!
BOpa: (advil) faaak you, go to the front den!
Goat: ja, LERN...
BOpa: (pissed off that the Goat is not looking after zie visitor)...

We reached Westcliff Hill and the pace increased. BOpa sticking with the front riders, but soon were dropped. BOpa, more pissed off cause he not know where to go. Bopa soon realize that he can also sprint up a hill and caught the group. The Goat, not realizing that BOpa and five other riders passed and broke away. I LERN zie GOAT, and we set the wheel of the four front riders. BOpa, was very happy that he could sit and enjoy the train. Five minutes late the Goat got to the car:

Goat: (confused) WTF just happened?!!!
BOpa: (snickers) I don't ride slow...
Goat: (shell shocked) but, but, but no ways you were with the break away!
BOpa: (whatever) next time you must LOOK after your visitor, ja?
Goat: $%@*&^#&@#)@#^(*@^@)#@^%$^*#&&@^#%^)(!!!
BOpa: cum, I buy ju coffee.
Goat: (gave 'Pa the finger and left...)

The two BO members went their different ways. This is the story and it is zie truth (Ed. Note: Well, it's on zie BOg now...).

The Panda – he BO'ed last night (not valid)...


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