Anxiety!!! (Goat Edition)

Ahead of this weekend's race event and for those of you who are experiencing butterflies at the thought of having to race in your correct groups.

Here is a new report on the most popular and effective treatments for Anxiety. You can see it here:

BOditor please incorporate into the BOg to benefit 4000+ readers out there who follow the goings on of Team BO on their adventures to wanna-BO pro.


From the BOditor:-

Dear Goat,

It is kind of you to share such valuable info with the team. As usual, when it comes to information this magnitude, we always recruits the assistance of recognized professional in the field to allow our readers the best of the best recommendations. We asked our chief analyst of internet media Lani about this, but his replies were, well, er... not fit for our family channel. Anyway, we asked BObbie who is well known as a S/T pundit.

1. Exercise - What about sex? Isn't that an exercise and much more pleasurable?
2. Xanax - What about ecstasy? And wouldn't EPO help more with riding, and talking about riding...
3. Yoga - Well, on sunday morning the Punda is clearly frustrated, sexually...
4. Spending time with animals - Really? what about eating them?
5. Meditation - What's wrong with sleeping?
6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - Just admit the damn issues man...
7. Inspiring music - Like Tony Robbins?
8. Ativan - More drugs?
9. Clonazepam - Just dope, just dope...
10. Massage therapy - With happy ending, highly recommended by the BObbie...
11. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Just admit it already!
12. Deep breathing - Deep what?!!!
13. Diazepam - Seriously, just dope, already.
14. Exposure therapy - Comparing sizes again?
15. Relaxation - Again, what's wrong with sleeping?
16. Psychotherapy - Or just take Advil...
17. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) - GGISTWBLGFDLAMWJLS (My beeg words are longer).
18. Interpersonal therapy - Is this another word for sex therapy?
19. Osteopathy - Like i said, do your setup before you buy a bike!
20. Zoloft - My lord, just freaking dope it!!!
21. Lamictal - (Shaking my head…)
22. Bio-identical hormones - What more crap can they duplicate and add another beeg word name to it?
23. Avoid caffeine - This should not be on the list. Would you avoid sex?
24. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) - Maybe the guys who think up these things should dope...
25. Prayer - How blind faith had sunken through time... the Pope wouldn't be pleased...


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