Team B.O. News Flesh

As winter nears end and spring approaches, Team B.O. is slowly coming alive. We update you with their recent activities.

 - As usual, Team B.O. get their annual Spring Alarm from BObbie...

- Goat went on his routine Friday treadmill jog. A babe (Goat's type) in bikini shows up next to him, Goat got his spring alarm, trips over his 19, treadmill treated his head like a boxing speed bag. Babe in bikini jumped on him to give him mouth to mouth. Goat chokes and lost conscious. Ambulance shows up and takes Goat to hospital. Whale & BObbie shows up to laugh at him. Doctors plugs Goat with all sorts and couldn't find anything since he's just too hairy. Doctors ordered peace & quiet and a healthy diet. Whale, 'Pa, BObbie, Lani shows up with pizzas. Hospital kicked entire Team B.O. out.

- Pluggie high level talks with SF100WSD. Pluggie talks incorrectly. SF100WSD belts Pluggie. Pluggie sulks and walked out of the high level talk. SF100WSD zipps up. Pluggie forced to use hand. Hand injured. Pluggie out of action.

- BObbie weighs himself and he's approaching Whale scale. BObbie upgrades in hoping he get faster. New rear wheel tyre bursts under BObbie...

- BOmie promises to get back on his sponsored bike. BOmie then B.O. by breaking his pedal. BObbie steal Goat's pedal and give to BOmie. BOmie run out of excuses so breaks his drop out. Goat & Crap offered to loan BOmie the Red Devil and the Silver Tongue. BOmie disappears...

- The following were all training and racing through out winter: Goat, 'Pa, Panda, Tubs, 'Stache.

- The following were all busted S/T: 'Tall, Ninja, Lani.

- The following were busted for only starting to train now: Choo Choo, Whale, BObbie and yep, zie Crap.

- The following were busted for not training at all: SF100WSD, Pluggie, BOmie.

- This Saturday the Crap led Lani, Choo Choo & BObbie to Lanseria, Cradle, Sterkies for sum real training. Crap's training rocks as they were fed Vida chocolate muffins and coffee. BObbie ran up & down on hills, Choo Choo ran on rail. Crap got upset and swears again to never lead Team B.O. again. BObbie also chews Choo Choo he's gonna hurt him sum. Choo Choo pushes big mouth BObbie back home on Ontdekkers. BObbie cramps attempting to change gear in his gay car going out that night...

- Sunday saw Goat's return to action with Dev 1, 'Tall, 'Tall's so called Dev, Whale and BObbie. Goat and Dev 1 loved their red devils. Goat, Whale & BObbie picked on the Bionic Seniles. Goat picked on DCM pros and looked like a tjop.

- And the beeg one for the finish. Saturday saw Tub's celebrating his beeg one. You have to drive across the border with a passport for that one and poor education means not all B.O. got the message (Tubs asked Goat to distribute... well, we all know what happens...) but 'Pa, Choo Choo, Goat, BObbie, 'Stache and Etap showed up. Choo Choo, Goat & BObbie ate so much the children didn't have anything to eat. Tub se vrou and se ma quickly made sum more. Well, Goat took those too. Den they sat on the couch as if they owned the place. 'Pa again was advil and chewed everyone to behave. Tubs got a new helmet and a new nick name; Bellietubs. Tubs den ask his wife for a new bike for his beeg one. Everyone quickly leaves...

Bring on the food already!

 Looks like Pluggie & SF100WSD are not the only one who needs a talk.

 Er... Mega Wors?

 Yep, this is when 'Pa chewed everyone to behave.

 Meet my sister!

 Bellietub? I show ju bellie!!!

 I really want to be a B.O....

 I also wants to be a B.O....

Goat's partner in crime arrested for stealing food from children.


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