The Argus Diary Part III - The Countdown!

How do you like to be woken up on a Saturday morning when the sun rays are gentle, when the breeze smells of an open sea and little birds chirping a melody? BObbie awakens with a rubber toy shoved in his mouth.
BObaby 1: Uncle BObbie, uncle BObbie, I want to play!!!
BObbie: (Almost choking to death with the rubber toy shoved down his throat)…
*     *     *     *     *

Most of who ever rode the Argus knew of a tradition that is not written. The Saturday morning before, you gather your mates and you ride along Camps Bay and to the peak of Suikebosie to pay your respects to the Mountain God. You will then glide back down into Camp’s Bay for a breakfast by the sea and soaking in the atmosphere that has made Cape Town famous.
Since the kids was banned by the Acting Craptain (Actually the kids was just wasted…) the  Team had to ride the Argus Tradition Ride without them. The boys happily met at the Team BO CTN HQ to get ready. Well, except the BObbie.
BObbie: (Screaming) WTF?!!! #*%@^&#%&@*#^&@*#^@#&#@&#…
Lani: (Curious)What’s up?
BObbie: (In tears) I just realized I didn’t even pack my cycling kits!!!!!
Lani: (Problem solving by stripping the diapers off BObaby 1 and gave it to Bobbie).
BObbie: uh…
Lani: What? It’s this or your ass on the saddle, you decide.
BObbie: I know, I know, but there’s pooh in it.
Lani: (smelt the diaper) Look, tough times, I ain’t giving you a new diaper.
By the time Lani & BObbie Wet Diaper got down to the garage, the Goat is also freaking out.
Goat: (Bragging) Look you losers, I am gonna sub a 3 with my Zipps, 40mm deep section aero dynamic wheels built purely to save energy and create a draft to allow me to go faster.
Panda: (Matter of factly) And the dent there? How much time does that save you?
Goat: WTF?!!!! #$^&%@*#%^@&^%#(*@#&(@*&#…
Lani: (Immediately and finger pointing) That wasn’t me, BObbie did your bike!
BObbie: (Totally confused), Che?!!!

Whilst BOpa & Panda were laughing themselves sick, Goat had taken the dented Zipp off and was bashing BObbie with it. A serene start to a great morning had BObbie almost choking to death and now almost bashing to death. You just know where this is going.
With tears still in his eyes, the Goat loaded his training wheels and joined his team mates whilst BObbie unplucked all the spokes off his helmet. BOpa & Panda are also in tears, tears of laughter. Lani pretended none of this actually happened.
Eventually the boys headed out. Camp’s Bay may be commercial, it may be snobbish and perhaps only the tourists ever visits, but for Team BO, it’s all about being with your Teammies, the moods are joyous, you can sense the excitement, your iPods playing your favorites, your buddy’s laughter of every dumb joke, you are cruising along a road where there is a deep blue ocean and a smooth road carved out off a cliff side leads you gently up to the infamous Suikerbosie. This, is why you ride, this and have I mentioned how hot and many the babes are?!!!

(Yeah right, seriously folks, Team BO in tranquility?!!! You reading the wrong blog!!!)
Needless to say, Lani and his puppy was soon all over the road, disturbing all other cyclists and running ladies. BOpa was disturbing all the running guys whilst the Goat was taking photographic evidences.

The only down side was when the boys finally got back to Camp’s Bay, there is barely an open seat for them. So they headed to Sea Point and bumped into the Pro Team MTN.

Team MTN member A: Who are these guys?
Team MTN member B: Looks like Team BO? I have never heard of them.
Team MTN member C: I think they won at Meyerton International, I think. I think BOmie mentioned about them.
Team MTN member D: Really? Man, tomorrow just got tougher.
Just then, BObbie walked in with his toight shirt, so toight that his tummy was so visible he can’t even see his Specialized shoes.
Entire Team MTN: (Pretended the conversation never happened).
Being the thorough and taking care of every detail Team BO is, the boys decided to drive the route. BOpa had to excuse himself to pick up some affiliates of Team BO, “Bushies on Bikes” from the air port (Seriously?!!! Do I have to spell it out what he was after at the airport?!!! Really?!!!).
Regardless what BOpa is after, whilst Lani is readying his family for the route drive, Goat, Panda and BObbie hopped in their rental and went to the Argus Expo to stock up. With his unusual hyper-active mode activated, the Goat dressed up… to the dismay of his teammies, in disgust and purposely are trying to distance themselves from him… to no avail… and stares… and whispers… let’s just say they got out of the Expo very, very quickly.

By now, Bobbie’s curse had spread (Bobbie personally believed that the shocking pink had upsetted Panda’s stomach). The Panda could not have lunch due to an upset stomach and parked in the car whilst the teammies chowed lobsters, pastas, curries and assorted deserts any real cyclists wouldn’t do.

Then came the grand spectacle. You have always saw it in a picture or on a post card, you could have imagined it’s sheer beauty and be awed by it. But nothing, nothing compares to standing in a corner of a mountain side road, surrounded by rises of the cliffs that it’s peak is beyond your sight, the deep yet clear blue ocean smacking its wave on the rocks from a distance so far that you are lost in it. That instance you felt so small in mother nature’s grasp and you know you are privileged to ride this road.

The moods quietens as the teammies drove pass the famous Chappies, then back home passing Camp’s Bay slowly and absorbing everything, knowing by tomorrow, there is not another moment to appreciate this peace when they pass by again.
(Yeah right, seriously folks, Team BO in tranquility?!!! You reading the wrong blog!!!)
Lani soon cooked up a storm to feed the hungry teammies.

And as the day draws to a close and although everyone is split up to their accommodations, they just knew tomorrow is gonna be a good day when Lani held up his number. by Chinese myth, you just can't get a better number. Team BO, they are ready to slaughter that dragon.


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