Breaking News!!!

This morning at around 05h58 when Team BO returned from their routine Tuesday morning ride the team found some extremely disturbing news.

During the ride the team found that the goat on his mountain bikes were slaughtering his teammies. That is normal. However, BOpunda was slaughtering with him. The team initially thought it was the LOOK 595 Ultra but soon found the set up was wrong. BOpunda was also chewning the teammies that he has his mojo back.

Upon returning to HQ, BOlani tripped over this.

Team BO does not condone nor tolerate doping and it is considered a serious crime, at least according to the blog, but it was not dope that BOlani discovered. It was Viagra!!!

BOpunda categorically denies BOlani's accusation. He claims it was yoga who got his mojo back. It was then when BOlani, BObbie & BOic discovered that BOpa was missing.

Crap has ordered an investigation into this matter. Crap is very tough on ethics. If BOpunda is receiving Viagra from BOpa, then the whole team must receive the same. Thus far we have only received Centrum Multi Vitamins from BOpa and according to BOic, it does not help.


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