The Argus Diary Part II - The Preparation

Rome isn’t built in a day, BObbie wasn’t born fat (er… well, actually if you looked at his baby photo… ) and you don’t just get on you bike and sub a 3 in Argus without preparation, unless of course you are BOmie.
Team BO planned to arrive early so they can begin their preparation. This was after all, the Argus, the big bad wolf that the team has pursued for years. Crap has never been back, Goat, Lani & BObbie have all been blown apart. Newbies like the Panda and BOpa has heard all the legends and are eager to prove their worth and the kids, well the kids are still on the train.
So whilst waiting for the kids, BObbie went to a meeting, BOpa pretended to be in a meeting but actually went back to the airport (Seriously?!!! Do I have to spell it out what he was after at the airport?!!! Really?!!!), Goat called several meetings and bored the crap out of his customers and Lani & BOwife is enjoying a romantic brunch at Canal Walk.
Panda: (On the phone) BObbie, where ju?
Bobbie: (Whispering) Dude, I am in a meeting.
Panda: I know, but I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t serious, you need to get back, now!!!
Stopping the meeting would mean giving away a season’s worth of orders for BObbie, but if Panda needs him, he’s there. Bobbie immediately chewed his buyers and drove the crap out of the car rentals and met up with the Panda at Canal Walk.
BObbie: (Panting) What’s wrong?
Panda: (Pleased) Dude, I don’t know how to handle BObaby 1.
BObbie: (Had to be held by security) WTF?!!!!! You called me back for this?!!!
Panda: Look dude, BObaby 1 was asking for uncle BObbie.
BObbie: Where the f@@k are his parents?!!!
Panda calmly pointed out across the coffee shop where Lani & the wife is having a really good time.
At the airport, BOpa found what he was looking for.
At the train station, the kids has arrived.
At the Waterfront, Goat’s speech is now at 5 hour and 46 minutes.
At the Team BO CTN HQ, Lani, Panda & BObbie are building up their bikes.
Panda: You guys are sure what you are doing? Should we not get a bike shop to help?
Lani: What for dude? I mean you grab an allen key and you screw toight what is loose.
BObbie: Come on, it’s just a bike, I mean I am not sure what this thing is called, but I can work it out.
Lani: Ja, simple kak this. Goat should be back soon, I will sort out his bike for him.
Bobbie: Ja, Panda, bring me your LOOK, I LOOk, LOOK for ju.
Panda: NO!!!
The Goat is finally back. He was a bit miffed that his customers politely chewed him to get lost. But he is happy to see his bike all built up. Albeit with some modifications.
Goat: (Suspicious) er… is that my brake?
Lani: (Don’t really believe himself) It how it is!!!
Panda: (Trying to not sound offensive) Bobbie, your saddle, er… I am sure it is up side down…
Bobbie: (Don’t really believe himself) It how it… oh…
Regardless, somehow, the four confused teammies took their bikes out for a test ride. And despite weird noised and strange on bike stances by Lani, Goat & BObbie, the boys decided the bike was good to go.

And with the kids in town, the team was ready for Team Dindin. As usual, Lani pin pointed a superb grill house that was in business for years by the same owner who still cooks his own meal. The team rocked up, took the central spot and immediately the Panda was in action with the cute waitress.
Panda: Hi, I am…
Cute Waitress: No… but I will take your drink orders.
Panda: Well, I just want to…
Cute waitress: N-O… our specialties tonight is (continues...).
Panda: LOOK, you know…
Cute Waitress: (Totally ignoring him and taking orders from the teammies).
Panda: All right, I will have a…
Rest of Team BO: DUDE, SHE SAID NO!!!!!
The food was indeed great, Team BO gobbled down salads, steaks, grilled veges, ‘tatoes, drinks after drinks and discussed matter in typical team language.
Lani: (Acting Craptain) All right boys, for all you newbies, tomorrow morning we meet at the stadium and we do the tradition ride to Suikerbosie to pay our respect and den for breakie.
Pitt: (Raised his hand) er.. Don’t mean no disrespect my seniors, but it seemed ever since I joined the team, all we do is eating?
Lani: Rookie, you have no idea how to prepare for a real race. You are excused!!!
To consul Pitt, Katy took him out for a all night drinking session.
And since the teammies has plans to visit a jewish establishment, they didnt’ want BOpa to tag along.
Lani: Agh, I need to go back to my family.
BObbie: I am so tired…
Panda: I need to get back to bed…
Goat: I need to get back to Panda…
BOpa: OK, OK, I get it, I get it, three’s a company.
Easily disposing BOpa, Lani, Goat, Panda & Bobbie continued with their secret preparation at the Jewish Establishment.
Panda: Can you imagine if BOpa came along? They won’t let us in.
Lani: Ja, they’d think he’s a terrorist or something…
Goat: (gobble, gobble…).
BObbie: (burped…).
BOpa: (Protesting) I am not a terrorist!!!


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