Blitzkrieg!!! (Austrian Edition)

FRAME: LOOK 595 Ultra 2009.
GROUPSET: Shitmano Dura-Ace 7900, 175:53/39, 12/23.
WHEELS: Vokrim Racing 3.
SADDLE: Fizik Arione (to be replaced by San Marco Mantra).
BAR/STEM: 44cm FSA K-Force Light Compact/ 80mm KCNC Scandium.
BUILDER: BOchanic.
SETUP: Someone who sold him a bar that cost more than his wheels.

PURPOSE: To propel The Panda to almighty victory, put to shame all campy-touting bike snobs, defeat the yellow peril, punish the climbs, herd mountain goats, kick the DOGma, tune someone the TIME, outpower the Swazi tractor, lern the bras, close down breakaways, take down tandems, crack a sub3 at the Argus, create bike envy amongst the lesser mortals and finally get the girl with her own bike shop and brewery.

*   *   *   *   *

Crap: "Beeping" BObbie conned me!!!
Goat: (munching grass, don't really care)...
Le Train: Choo choo...
Lani: Woof, woof (where's the glitter?)...
Pitt: You wait till I get my Chorus!
Bushie: You just wait till I get my bonus!
Katy: It's Campy & Bianchi and nothing else.
BOtall: Hey, LOOK here, LOOK guys, I also ride a LOOK!!! Will you guys LOOK!!!
Whale: I can't see straight (whales' eyes are on the side), but that's not Campy.
Bladder: What real race has LOOK won again?
BOmie: I won with Schwinn. 
BObbie: I think you bought a size too big, the stem is too short, you need LOOK bottle cages, perhaps red LOOK cleat, the wheel needs to be French and you definitely needs Campy...


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