Argus Live Update Stream 7

The rest of the Saturday is spent all over Cape Town...

Pops treat his neigh to a treat... A word of advise Pops, you don't need to go to Cape Town for plastic coffee, we have them here in JHB...

Waala thought he got lucky for a minute there...

This is gonna happen tomorrow...

We don't know what to say anymore...

Dinkie takes E for a treat...

Waala: (simulating the BObbie) Where's my food?!!!

Dinki takes E to a romantic spot...

LOOKs like Dinki has decided to ride E. Tomorrow, tomorrow, at group E!!!

Punda is here!!! He's chewning the Waala, Waala pretend he's interested...

Dinki back at Sexpo but clearly at the wrong stand...

(BOd note: Yes, yes we are aware the timing of the photos are out of sync, but too much is happening, just enjoy the ride damn't!!!)

Mmm... who's getting Adidas?

Que?! Zies Lolly, she's everywhere!!!

BObaby 2 being taken for a ride...

EveryBOdy that got left behind just groaned...

Punda is still chewning the Waala, Waala wishes he was in another car...

BObbie: (Are you 'effing kidding me?!!!) FOCUS on the right thing you idiot!!!!! FOCUS!!!
(BOd note: No, we are by no means sponsored or paid by FOCUS Bicycles by any means whatsoever. But you can't FOCUS on the FOCUS when that babe is smiling like that?!!! What a moron Gaat is!!!)

I mean, you can actually FOCUS on the FOCUS LOOKing at this?!!!

As the night draws, the Dinki decided to do some pomping...

Pops does his Dev right...

Dinki does it wrong...

Back in JHB, everyBOdy not in Cape Town decided to party some...

BOatie arrived first and decided to drown his happiness in beer...

Maybe some desert first...

LOOK how happy BOat FELT...

It's the Spur, that's how low everyBOdy not in Cape Town has sunk...

TallieTag arrived, LOOK how happy they FELT...

A round of cheers!!!

Lolly and BObride arrived happy as anything...

BObbie on a diet...

Group photo!!! LOOK how happy they FELT!!!

BObbie's real portion, just kill him...

That's how everyBOdy not in Cape Town FELT...

Best of luck to all B.O.'s in Argus tomorrow!!! Ride safe and have a blast!!! Get that Sub 3!!!


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