Argus Live Update Stream 3

And the Argus weekend officially begins!

We start the day with Pops on the road, the weather is LOOKing fantastic for a sub 3!!!

Er... ja, BObbie is in JHB, so any curse cannot be from him. But the weather forecast is Sunny with some wind. Wait, LOOK what the Gaat found, the Lolly S/T in Cape Town?!!!

We shift the focus to the Sexpo, I mean, the Expo...

LOOK what the Lani found (BOd: (explaining) Er... no, that's not the BOwife...)

Waala FOCUSes in!!!

Lani wanna show her a ride!!!

Lani's eyes were FOCUSed on the wrong place!!! 

Seriously dude, do you perform this hard for the BOwife?!!!

Aha, we found the Tubs and the Chicken, Chicken claims fowl over his A/F name...

I mean, LOOK at this pic, now you know what Tubs & Chicken do for a living... Tjop shop anyone?

LOOK what we found!!! A Horse's Whisper!!! Pops neighs!!!

Pops cursing at the bus lane and the fowl weather. But where is the Dinki?!!!

Found... Tubs is highly upset with Dinki this did not involve him or his underwear...


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