Argus Live Update Stream 4

So we continue where we left off!!!

Lani is FOCUSed!!!

BObbie should be the only person allowed there...

Nothing to see here, nothing to see...

Seriously, nothing to see, Lani already scooped up the best...

Check the smile on Lani's face, someBOdy call BOwife!!!

What the heck you smiling at?!! Oh, lunch already?

What's an Argus weekend without a tradition two door Mercedes, and who the heck is selling ass there?!! Oh, it's the Chicken...

When there is Lani, there is good food, teamies hooked up at Diaz's (BObbie just tossed a dumpling at his screen, Tallie is sulking for the day...), and yes, that's E.

Tubs eats like a BObbie...

And drinks like a Dinki...


We somehow lost the Gaat, judging by his Mercedes rental, He's eating peanut butter sandwiches and not spending the 80c petrol. But we did find the Pops, who's not whispering but eating...

... the Chicken... Seriously?!!! Where there are so many good choices you are eating Nandos?!!!

Can't imagine what will happen at Cake Night...


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