Training Report - SAS Edition
At 05h49 BObbie has a decision to make, probably the most important one he has yet to make in his distinguished cycling career. His teammates are beginning to gather at the LZ. So far the reports is that they will all be on time. His captain though, will not make it, he did not survive the hard ambush at 94. Neither will the Italian. He survived the battle at 94, but he was severely wounded and choked in his own puke.
It’s now 5h52, he can’t delay this any longer. BObbie quickly coded his messages so the enemies even intercepting the SMS will need sometime to decode it. That may be the window he needed to arrive at the LZ safely. The SMS successfully arrived at the acting captain’s black box. It simply reads “I need another 30”.
* * * * *
BOlani looked at the message and knew his teammate is in trouble. Not sure what, but he has a bad feeling this is going to be a Bad One. But they must wait. Back in training days, they were told of one rule and one rule only, “never leave your man behind”. During the battle of 94, one of the long time member of this small yet elite bunch of special force group code named team BO forgot the rule and caused a member to go into radio silence and now BObbie might not make it. They already lost their captain, and now acting in his capacity, BOlani don’t know if he could safely take his boys home. It’s another 75km full of enemies hunting for them.
* * * * *
With the SMS sent, BObbie now calmed down, knowing his boys will wait for him, he crossed his legs, rested them on the table, gulped down the donut, patted his fat tummy and focused onto his plasma TV and the ball game.
* * * * *
Thus, another Saturday ride of team BO begins as usual, late. Prior to the training ride BOdope complained loudly about the tardiness of this team. BObbie concurs. He was only 15 minutes late. To his defense, he didn’t finish the ball game either.
With BObbie inbound, BOlani, BOrabia, BOnold & BOdope happily rode out. BOnold after just returning home from his Far East expeditions (see picture) immediately shared his stories with BOdope. BOdope got excited and well, pulled a BObbie and a taxi was very close not to make pancakes out of his head.
As per tradition, the team laughed at him before helping him out. BOrabia pulled out his tool and fixed BOdope’s ride. BOlani, BOrabia & BObbie not knowing what happened asked how did BOdope fall? BOdope said he wasn’t paying attention, but BOnold knew (see picture).
There are some things you just don’t do on a bike.
The ride was frankly easy going and fitting after a hard 94 where almost everyone had an excuse. The team then decided to hit Randfontein for a bit of a practice for the cuming Stonehaven race. Off went the steam train BOrabia with BOlani sitting toight and BObbie on his tail. BOnold continued to share his stories with BOdope who got excited again, but this time he used Vaseline.
BOrabia then flapped his chicken wing signaling for help upfront and only then the BObbie realize BOlani is in the wrong position. Now he must wasted energy to lap ahead for his tow. No matter, off he did. And the three was in good sync, well, until BObbie went a bit too far and left the team behind. Realizing his mistake he quickly slowed for the team to get back and they begin the rotations again. Note to BOrabia, when you leave your teammates behind, you must wait for them, it is how it’s done.
(Katy nods whilst she is reading this).
BOlani then completed another sprint practice and the team breakied at Muggs. A happy morning turned sour when BOdope & BOnold turned the casual conversation to politics, racism and everyone’s moods went down south when BOrabia brought women into the conversation. Next to them, tables of mothers are covering their children’s ears and requesting to be seated elsewhere.
The team then rocked up at HQ for a braai. BOnold brought some of his home brews, but they tasted like fruit juice with methane. He claims it is how it should taste. Everyone gives him complimentary with fingers crossed behind their backs. We are certain he fed Ethan some. Craptain then arrived with Chris (his son), BOnold needing approval, grabbed little Chris, forced fed him some ale and was satisfied with Chris’ confused look.
Whilst everyone enjoyed good foods and really deep conversations, BObbie went to watch ball games on TV whilst BOnold long distance dialed his KTV girl. He claimed she misses him. Team BO gave complimentary and knew better that they missed his credit cards. BOlani also fixed BOdope’s bike which was bent at the “back” from this morning’s “ride” with his “hand”.
Next up, Stonehaven 60km.