Pre-Race tip from BObbie's Bladder

That's right, the famous bladder of BObbie's who once won KOM in a climbing race and trained 2 current pros for Team Fuji Asia (a Continental Pro team). BObbie asked what Team BO must do before 94.

Craptain: Stop at every water point, there is no hope.
BOlani: Sprint is at the end.
BOic: Some pros don't ride TDF either.
BObbie: Donut is not carb.
Katy: Kick Crap's ass.
BOtall: Don't panic.
BOnette: Be nice to the males.
BOrabia: Ignore BOic.
BOdope: How maach?
BOmie: You can do it.

Actually he said: Start intake water or carbo drinks 3 ~ 4 hours before race. stop taking 20 minute before race starts and pros do piss on their bibs.


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