The Return Of The 115 - Hard TRaining Edition

You simply can't ride fast and long if you don't train. Winter is now over, weather is now pleasant, the sun is shining early and there simply isn't anymore excuses for the couch BOtatoes to not show up for training. As September nears its ends the Goat simply has had enough. He is sick and tired of training in the dark along, sick and tired not seeing his chommies at the races, sick and tired of their "ride to eat" attitudes and he is sick and tired of their "veni, vidi, B.O." at 4 routines. Yesterday, the Goat rain thunder and fire and lashed at his BOtato chommies. He blessed the Whale, slap the Lani and rolled the BObbie into submission. It's show up at Total (So the "Mclean Train" has Engen huh? Well B.O.'s has Total) for the 115 or Skype silence for a week.

Fearing they will be missing a key ingredient in their daily waste more TIME at work sessions, the BOtatoes had to oblige.

04h54 - Gaatie arrived angry on the Black Sabbath with dem Zipps. He means business. Behind in shining lights, poor Dev with the support vehicle.
05h01 - The Lani roamed in with his The Black Sabbath Killa and his JBL jam session. Total comes alive with Lani music.
05h04 - Rolling in is fat BObbie on his baby green bike, with donut crumbs still on his cheek.
05h05 - No fat fish.
05h06 - No sign of a Whale...
05h07 - No flapping heard anywhere...

Gaatie, Dev and BObbie: (clearly annoyed) Where the "beep" is that tuna steak?!!!
Lani: (oh wait, I forgot) Oh, oh, he called me earlier, said he will be late, he say I no inform him right TIME.
Gaat: (losing it) Well, did you?!!!
Lani: (WIK) His maths is all wrong...
BObbie: (two knock downs within seven months) LOOK, I don't want to ride in traffic.
Dev: (annoyed) LOOK, I don't wan to drive in traffic.
Goat: (pissed) LOOK, if I wake up this early I want a hard session!!!
Lani: (WIC) LOOK, let's do a short one...
Goat & BObbie: (shaking their heads) We not short...

Just then...

05h23 - Whale's Golf screeches into Total with the Whale worming his way out of the car and squeezes into obviously a size or four too small a jersey with his tummy popping under and draping over his bib.
05h23 - Already arrived B.O.'s decided Whale's fate of a punishment.
05h26 - Whale joins his teamies.

Whale: (ready to roll) Let's go! Let's hit this road hard. Let's ride some!!!

With that out of the way, the teamies rolled out of Total and headed up. Yes, up. The Whale ain't gonna get it easy going down H.P. He's gonna climb the 16% gradient hill up Jim Fouche for being late. Knowing his fate is sealed, the Whale didn't bitch, the Whale didn't moan, he dropped his gears low and he motored up Jim Fouche at pace. He knows his wrong, and the only way to redeem himself is to climb hard and squeeze them omega 3s in hope his teamies will forgive him. And they are right behind him, watching him stomping those fins, hard no milk.

It wasn't an easy session, especially when your muscles are cold, the schedule has been interrupted, the air breathes thin in the dawn and the Whale putting on some pace...


OK, OK, so it was actually the BObbie who said, if we not doing a full 115 we might as well eat. Lani, Goat and Dev obliges, Whale feels he's been short changed...

It's TIME to "train", Lolly cringes...

You can't buy better coffee anywhere else, period. Vida might come close, everywhere else serves coffee flavoured milk.

Today's standard menu, spring onion pan cakes and beef dumplings in chili and soy sauce.

Goatie doubles down whilst the Whale picks his "piece".

This isn't what you think it is, OK maybe it is...

Lani had enough hearing the Whale and his don't kill a cow, but it's OK to mince fishes and cooked him a vege special rice noodles.

Goatie immediately digs into Whale's rice noodles...

Lani S/T strategy, feed everyBOdy loads of food and he eats nothing. Lani will see you at the hills...

BObbie eats anything bitches and moans of his unfair treatment and gets beef noodles...

Another failed attempt to break Goat & BObbie's 1h12 mark for the 115. The teamies will try again, soon.

(BOd note 1: Unofficially, BObbie was never there, he trained on his own dedicated and never ate all those food.)

(BOd note 2: Prior to leaving Lani's, BOboy 1 asked when will he see Uncle BObbie again, "Lunch..." deadpanned the BObbie...)


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