D2D Freeze Report - Animal Farm Edition

BObbie: (chickening) LOOK, weather forecast chewn me cold and cold, me thinks we should mass B.O.
Dinki: (famous last words) WTF?!!! Ju man up and ride the cold and the wind!
BObbie: (et tu, Brutus) Wind too?!!!

Fearing BObbie the lazy bastard who won't even BOther to pick up his number, Gaatie and Waala dragged his fat ass out of bed on Saturday morning and the BOys rode to number collection. It was cold, it was windy, it was miserable and the number guy is late. Not the most patient, Gaatie decided to exercise his 19 power on the tannie who's holding the fort and racing numbers.

Gaatie: (do you know who I am?) I am VA I am, I demand my number be released to me!
Tannie: (whatever) Right, show me your license and I show you a number.
Gaatie: (what just happened) Que?!!!
EveryBOdy waiting in the line including BObbie & Waala: (laughing their ass off...) BOwahahahahahaha...

After Gaatie gone flaccid the number guy did eventually arrive. The BOys landed at some breakfast joint to avoid the cold and the wind and for some breakie. They found a Lolly who's the real S/T and not that fat BObbie downing a cuppa and a chocolate croissant.

Lolly: (making up stories) LOOK, I wasn't really riding... I am only here for breakie...  I mean how the hell did you guys find me?!!!

Regardless, food must be consumed to fight against the last days of winter. Gaatie went for croissants and cheese that's more rubber, BObbie goes for a hamburger and Waala does upper class and eggs benedict. Except the Waala wanted a free breakfast and since the BOys refused to be conned again, the Waala released his Jedi mind tricks on the manager.

Waala: (force bend mind) This ain't right, this is not the eggs benedict I know and BObbie said that scramble eggs is not hollandaise sauce! And this food makes my tummy sick!
Manager: (do you think I am a whale?!!!) But you ate the whole plate?

Gaatie not know who he is, Lolly S/Trenuously deny and BObbie fat face do not approve of Free Waala's actions.

Never mind the Waala, who's bill was scratched off by the manager, the BOys begin their preparation for the race on Sunday.

Numbers must be correctly pinned.

And as Sunday morning arrived with Mother Nature's smack of one last reminder for winter...

Dinki (flaccid) BObbie neh, I am all dressed up and ready to go, but it's so cold and dark outside and I have somEthing in bEd, how about we convince the other to B.O.?!!!
BObbie: (half asleep) Wait what?!!! That's my line, my line!!!!!

With the wuss brothers wussing out, Goat almost pulled a B.O. too until Dev1 who's fast becoming a feman who packed in extra bananas and walked out without a LOOK at the Goat. Needless to say, Gaatie manned up, quickly...

As usual, Waala was late and forgot something.

Waala has one short glove and one long one, go figure...

Waala found the bib but not the shirt... female readers not approve.

Dinki & BObbie dreamt of cursing whilst Gaatie, Dev1, Waala, Chicken and Pops freezes in the cage. EveryBOdy else pretended the race didn't exist. Meanwhile, temperatures were registered in a professional manner.

Think this one is Gaatie's...

Think this one is Pops'...

Think this one is Chicken's...

Think this one is broken...

And as soon as the peloton arrived at Randfontein, tjops attacked. No matter, the B.O.'s have seen this too many TIMEs. Gaatie and Pops remained calm and lead the peloton. Since Gaatie has been chewned iPods are dangerous on rides after he caused a crash in Argus, Gaatie came up with a bluetooth beat box he shoved down his shirt pocket and played some music to cheer up the peloton. Except the music selection was not upper class and caused a crash at Magalies. Pops also was disturbed by the music he went to the other side of the road and almost got rode over by a truck. Gaatie claims Pops was just trying to not loose water bottles.

The peloton at the right pace maintained about fifty strong heading into the cradle and as the gradient begin to rise, le Chicken and da Whale got tuned...

The music though, is actually appreciated by the peloton. When Gaat dropped his Gu, he was rewarded with another with thanks.

Pops who braved the cold and the dark during winter went up Sterkies hard with the Gaatie trailing. Waala who ate more than he rode, barely missed the 3 hour mark and the gate by kissing tar, again. Applicont6 who happened to rode by, saved a fat fish from drowning. But the Chicken neh, was no where to be seen, well, till much later. Apparently the BObbie's curse is alive and well...

BObbie didn't even need to diss Shitram anymore, Pops protests...

Yes, not even the BOditor can come up with a line of fleas from a thousand camels, Chicken is best...

Welcome back spring and may fleas from a thousand camels infest winter's armpits...


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