Ass Kissing


With a weekend of activities, we have pretty much established that men loves Dinki, they love kissing him, period. How did we get to this conclusion?

Well, it started with Lolly...

Lolly who's fat and sloppy is dreaming back to his glory days as the official team train, by sticking stickers to his Giant frame, or tummy...

He claims he swallows coal and pisses steam...

Well, he swallows cheese burgers really and pisses, well piss...

And if there are cheeseburgers, there is BObbie...

BObbie claims cheese burgers are nourishing...

But the diet police Gaat disagrees... BObbie mug shot... Just so we clear, Gaatie is at least a head taller and they weigh the same...

Lani makes a guest appearance, because you know these days, Lani mostly rides something else...

Well, Since it's the weekend, let's celebrate with a team dindin at le Frenchie...

Waala pissed the Michelin chef off by ordering rabbit food... BOatie made him happy by eating BOar, Obelix style...

Ironho made her first team dindin, she was literally in tears...

Tallie is 8kg over weight, but the food was so good she just couldn't control herself, Taggie tries to stop her...

BObbie demonstrating how Tallie's toy should be used...

The Michelin chef who personally cooked for the teamies... and...

The very same chef who after accusing BObbie wasting his home made soufflé went across the room, bear hugged Dinki, right in front of his prEcious E and smacked him a biggiE. We couldn't get the pic fast enough (freaking team photographer Gaatie is too busy eating...) to show Dinki's expression, but it was something like this... again...

NEEdlEss to say, E is considEring somEthing morE manly...

By our count, we have had two team dindins of recent and Dinks has been kissed twice, by mEn...

And whilst we are on twice, BObbie who got knocked in February by a hit and run was knocked down again this sunday by a flaming orange Opel Corsa whilst standing at the robot. Whilst we don't condone wussy, angry and not getting laid drivers acting all tough without getting out of their full metal protections and claiming cyclists delay all 5 seconds of their lives, we do think BObbie's width must have played some role in blocking the traffic, no really...


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