
Showing posts from March, 2013

Not Another 'effing Arms Race Report!!!

Gaat is calling this the coffee machine. We think he drinks Ricoffy. Fake suede saddle allows Gaat bare ass riding... Very cute girl bike... Single speed because they didn't know you can change gears these days... MIC BOanchi? Engraving on the break lever? Maybe Goat should check out BObbie's real men's stuff! Is that Italian or they just can't spell sliding fork? Caduta aquila? Is that? is that a mattress?!!! Made in... BOlgaria? Ah, something of value at last... This brings the Gaat's bike total to 9...

Argus Live Update Stream 10

Er... unfortunately, we have to keep going, because two 'effing idiots still not done yet... Lani giving deep thoughts about his life, girl at spinning bike and girl at FOCUS... Then he decided to let the sh@t out, come clean... Then the birdies dropped some on him for being too happy... So he decided to wash that sh@t out... Er... I am sure Camp's Bay resident knows where this is huh? Snack before making a final dash home... Waala let his issues out too, it's been that kind of a life identifying ride.... You know, it's a bond no other B.O.'s shares, two chubby asses! Waala giving deep thoughts about his life and his spammed ass... At least we found Papa... Ja, eish... Tubs continues his daily dosage... Chicken drowns his sorrow in Tub's dosage... Pops decided to try BObbie's methods... Pops decided he can't do what BObbie does... which is eat lots... Pops decided to take his...

Argus Live Update Stream 9

And the BOys are back... well, at least some of them... Eish... Eish... Eish... Eish... Eish... Argus is B.O.'s nemesis, unless you still out there like Waala and Lani... And you don't wanna see the depressed Pa... We leave you with a video best describe the Sub 3 attempting B.O.'s... Somewhere along the route of Argus, Lani and Waala is still at it... Remember him? After the photo session the dude left in pain... There is always TIME for another croissant...  Waala is loved by all... Last year BObbie got BOsted by an uber hot babe who refuses to do this for him... How's the Sub 3 going? This is what you miss if you ride fast!!! Maybe it's TIME for another cuppa... Lani and Waala rode so slow their shadow passed them... Ah... that's the spot! What is Lani spotting?  Whale spotting!!! Er... NSFW? We don't know when these two will be back... Oh, this just in,...