The Return of the Puppy, BOditor and Team B.O.

And we are back...

Look, stop complaining, the BOditor, he was abducted by aliens OK. Things happened to him, unspeakable things, anal probing & bleaching we believe happened. It's not as if we didn't LOOK for him, but we didn't really have the TIME, besides, it's not as if we FELT anything. Anyway, he's back and we opening the year 2013 with a bark, so to speak.

Zie Lani, wants his Animal Farm status back and has made the steps necessary toward. No, no, Lani S/T? Neva...

Yep, it's the "Return of the Puppy"...

Pina Doggie 2 65.1 Think 2, quite a mouthful huh? Dinki just puked out his breakfast...

Titanium crankshaft. After Lani was chewned he was overweight when he rode his first puppy, he vowed to reduce weight at all costs (he's first puppy was 6.5kg)...

Pina gave Lani Pina bottles... Dinki looking for a rope...

Most one piece bar & stem for aeronautical look, Dinki swallowing rat poison...

San Marco Concor, we think too small for Lani's ass...

Campy EPS shifting for the Lani of course, Dinki jumps off Ponti...

Battery under the down tube for neatness, Dinki walked in front of a Putco bus (Pa: (advil) who you calling a bus?!!!)...

BObbie, Dev, Tubs all waiting eagerly for toss outs from the Lani... Dinki locked the garage and switched on his Juki...

Coming up, more Arms Race Reports, Gaat & Dev's journey to search the origins of the mountain goats, what really happened with the missing 4 months, B.O. status updates and many many more ridiculous, hilarious and embarrassing moments in the lives of the B.O.'s...


Waala said…
Why the hell would the BOEditor need anal bleaching? Was the black hole so dark they could not get the probe in?

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