The Arms Race Report - Old School Style

We continue our return with what else, more bikes...

BObbie: (chewning the Gaat) Now zies is made in Italy!!!
Gaat: (used profanities to one's senior members of the family...)

Bianchi, what else for BObbie...

Just LOOK at it!!!

Campy, LOOK at the details of the engraving, Shitmano and Shitram has no class.

The Eagle!

Just LOOK at it again!!!

Carbon schimarbon, pure workmanship!!!

Yes, we know, Bianchi!!!

LOOK at it, just LOOK at it...

The details, the details!!!

Edoardo Bianchi, the Legend!

Real made in Italy, unlike the Gaat...

Columbus Tubing...

Needless to say, Gaat & BObbie ain't talking right now...


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