The 50%IM - Dinki's Transformation...
As Dinki went through a few rough patches in life... Being measured...
He sought advise from BObaby2 who chewned him "E-Mon"!!!
(BOd. Note: BObaby 2 is still learning to speak and E-Mon is his language for Iron Man... In B.O. language, it roughly translated to "Be A Man!!!")
The Dinki is clearly inspired by the E-Mon speech!!! Albeit just 50% of it!!!
He sought advise from BObaby2 who chewned him "E-Mon"!!!
(BOd. Note: BObaby 2 is still learning to speak and E-Mon is his language for Iron Man... In B.O. language, it roughly translated to "Be A Man!!!")
The Dinki is clearly inspired by the E-Mon speech!!! Albeit just 50% of it!!!