Weekend Training Report - BObaby 3 Edition

Well, it's been a while since the B.O.'s did any serious riding, well, except for Tubs, or Katy who apparently took the bragging rights in the Mountain Bike Division, or Donkey who completed Sani2C as Katy's understudy, or Whale who was riding a yoga mat, or BObbie who's probably S/T'ing with Taggie, Lani and Tally, or Goatie who's hairy hair BOdy don't know the difference between the cold & the dark to the warm & light, or Papa who thinks everyBOdy is soft or Panada who ride the pills, or Lolly and BOatie who rides the couch or Cont 6 & 7 who ride the SuikeBOssie...

Anyway, B.O.'s can't be shunned by the Conts.

Papa and Goatie: (anger management) We go, SuikerBOssie, Saturday morning, at 08h00, two loops, I show those Conts how to climb! Besides, We need to go celebrate BObaby 3 and eat some seafood pasta!!!

At 08h27, BObbie slowly rolled in to meet up with Tallie, Donkey, RoBOcop, Panada, Papa and someBOdy who was dressed in spiderman suit. Nope, it's not the Goatie. Goatie apparently claims he all of a sudden has to work and cannot come...

EveryBOdy who was there: (screaming) BObbie, you always late! We are supposed to start at 08h00!!!
BObbie: (swallowing a donut) Ja, but you see, by me coming in only now, it means we probably may start at 09h00 and the temperature wou... (couldn't complete the sentence whilst being mauled down to the ground and getting kicked in by everyBOdy who was there)...

The Conts though, was no where to be seen. EveryBOdy who was there decided to just leave them...

As usual, Papa, Panada rode away from everyBOdy and was joined by SomeBOdy. Donkey, Tallie, RoBOcop and BObbie was labouring at the back...

Donkey, Tallie and RoBOcop: (curious and puffing) BObbie, what is that thing you are carrying on your back?
BObbie: (huffing and puffing) Extra weight for these climbs...
Donkey, Tallie and RoBOcop: (respect) Eish wena... What's in it?
BObbie: (wiping the sweat of his face) Croissants, Nutella, peanut butter, cup cakes, donuts, pizza...

Eventually, the four made it back to the parking to find only the Panada sitting alone, sulking.

Donkey, Tallie and RoBOcop and BObbie: (and now) Where's Papa and SomeBOdy?
Panada: (I am the nice guy) Papa reckons if Goatie and BObbie are at any party with food, everyBOdy will have to get take aways, so they took off.

This follows with BObbie tossing his bike in the boot and drove off immediately and everyBOdy quickly followed hoping they will get scraps...

SomeBOdy checking in with the Panada on how to become a B.O.

Teamies grabbed some drinks for the occasion, er... no, that's NOT an Apple Sour, all right, all right. Fine, fine, it is, Papa wants it, OK?

SomeBOdy: (excited) I was told one of the criterias to become a B.O. is to have photos of idiotic acts?
Donkey: (OMG) You idiot, that's my iPhone!!!

SomeBOdy: (indicating) Hey Goatie, I am the real RaBObi!!!

Finally!!! Tubs only made one pot, because Goatie wasn't there...

Donkey grabbing seconds, BObbie is on his third...

After lunch, the Teamies was engaged in a serious conversation. After all, cycling is serious business.

When Papa is having a meeting, a decision must come!

Papa: (tongue slipping) It's Apple Sour TIME!!! Lick, lick!

Tallie: (declaring) Tallie hearts Black Label!

Donkey and Tubs watching the Pros do it right...

Papa attacks the apple sour as if he was sprinting for the line in Tour de France!!!

RoBOcop follows!!! But a miscalculation and he face plants!!!

Tubs: (evil staring his garden) You want sum?! You want a piece of me?!

Tubs watering the garden...

BObaby 3: (I am hungry) Feed me!

BObaby 3: (now I am just grumpy) Give me the proper stuff you stingy old man!

Pa: (trying to stop BObbie) Stop it, BObbie, that's for BObaby 3! Dude, stop, leave some for the baby!!! SomeBOdy help me!!!

BObbie was sent home to drown himself in sorrow...

Anyway, Papa, Donkey, Tallie and Taggie decided to take BObbie for some serious training the next day, at Tasha's in Rosebank... Ninja decided to jump in. He heard that Tasha's has great food so he ordered peanut butter, jelly and toast...

[BOditor: (calm) yep, I'll give you guys a few seconds to digest... Yes, peanut butter and jelly, yes, he did ask for butter...]

P.S. The two Conts didn't call B.O. and arrived late... They were punished with no food and lost B.O. points. 


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