Kak B.O.'s Chewn - Part II

[BOditor: (matter of factly) As usual, these are actual chewns from the B.O.'s...]

- You seem to have something stuck in your… arghhh never mind...
- What kind of excuse is that?! just cum, we don't need to hear you speak...
- Papa will give everyBOdy that attend din din something nice…

- In!

- Out!

- BO!

- Ok, guys, its been a Bad One. Lani says I must go long. Sleep long...

- Jis laaik, you one rude chick 'cos you always swallowing and still talk so much kak.

- Dudes, it's been a Bad One. Too much lightning and thunder...

- Secretary, I'm going to have a Bad One tonight :( Please take pics!

- Sure, touch away, it's only Tallie's ass...

- Baba, training ride for me, too many Bad Ones for me recently...

- I think Lani will have a probelm with this...

- If I can't sleep with BOobie in the Hello Kitty room then I'm not in. Count me out.

- I'm really sorry. I misunderstood the concept.

- Don't eat Chinese dodgy joint before the race...
- Who else has lessons for the team?
- And no Tallie, you can't touch his ass...
- Having BOner pitch for a long ride he called himself, now that's

- I am not allowed to ride tomorrow morning and must stick to the easier pace schedules.

- Goatie earned the “choker” title...
- You will never be feman...
- Katy wins...
- Girls just wanna have fun...
- I need to miss tomorrow to allow my body rest some more...

- Don’t use “new” supplements on race day. I cramped from 72km….

- YOU ALL ARE CODs!!!!!!

- I think SLEEPING was easier for you CONT!
- Ju cont not be captain if you have not pulled a Bad One...

- I deny this accusation of me being a sleepy cont.

- Vok zies manufactured kak...

- But where's the food?

- I strongly deny zies accusation and I blame zie craptain for zies...

- Bad One coming...

- As for you other active emailers... what jobs do you guys such that 
you have the time to talk so much poo?


loicbellet said…
creative commons, feel free to use BOxcuses just reference TeamBO when you

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