LOOK Pic, Chewn a Story - Some kind of Race Report, M2M.

Well, technically, it's not very mountain to mountain, more like mountain to a school in Tzaneen. But who wants to go back to school, so we climb a mountain... 10km of it... 5% gradient of it... switchback and all...

Regardless, if there is a mountain, it must be tire marked by the B.O.'s... Lani, Goat, Dev 1, Papa and Katy decided to go mark our territory. And whilst Goat, Dev 1 and Katy were passing by BObbie's, they went in and just grabbed him. Because it's always fun to have the BObbie... Well, actually, BObbie is the best in towing...

(Ed. note: a result of the smash and grab was that Tallie, Taggie & Pluggie couldn't find the BObbie for breakie. Foul languages were used.)

Anyway, Lani and family met up with Papa a day early in what actually was a barn in the middle of nowhere (OK, so the nowhere was in Magoebaskloef) that was remodeled into a modern, cozy, artistic and twisted open plain bathroom!!! Papa and the BObabies immediately find comfort in it. Albeit BObaby 2 still prefers to pee in his dadda's bed...

Lani: (vok zies BObbie) He's supposed to be here to do sum fly fishing with me!!!

Lani decided to do sum fly fishing with a remote plane...

Trout 1, Lani 0...

Ah... the view...

Ah... the town...

Regardless, whilst the trouts are making a fool out of the Lani, Goat, Dev 1 and Katy has tied BObbie into Katy's wagon and headed toward the MaBOebarskloof. The B.O. caravan wanted to get there as fast as possible for tomorrow morning's race that starts with a climb that scares BObbie... But BObbie insist a stop to get some burgers with some disgusting white sauce that noBOdy know what it is. Goatie refused to munch it whilst BObbie gobbled it down satisfyingly.

Anyway, it was dark and deep into the night by the time Katy dumped BObbie into some Pooh Pooh Hotel and head back to the Luxurious and Kinky dig of her's.

The next morning, around 04h45, a wide awake Lani after being woken up by BObaby 2's milk call, decided to wake everyBOdy up at the Luxurious and the Kinky. Papa was up and ready to roll. Katy pretended to be up and rolled back into bed. Lani knocked on Goatie's door and decided to scare him by mooning. Goatie who sleeps bare open the door half awake and walked right into the mooning Lani. a km away in some Pooh Pooh Hotel BObbie heard Lani scream in pain, decided it must just be a nightmare and went back to sleep. Papa is still traumatized by the scene.

However, the show must go on...

Almost 10km of winding switch backs with an average gradient of 5%. Only a Goat could love...

And it went on without the sleeping Katy & BObbie...

The two bum chums.

The spectator and the bum.

The bum who can't sit on a saddle.

Dev 1 get in between the bum chum's relationship.

The spectator also wants in.

It was not a pleasant journey...

And Papa strolls back with pain in the legs, Lani's pain however, was somewhere higher...

As you can imagine, with small groups of racers and mostly casual riders, the boys scattered and struggled up the climb and left stranded alone in the wind by themselves. It was not a pleasant race by any means.

Lani immediately found a cushion and doubled up the caffeine.

Dev 1 couldn't beelieve she survived...

Goatie ordered for Lani, Lani went to puke in the parking lot...

Meanwhile, back the the Luxurious and the Kinky, Katy woke with great vegence and furious anger. How could she have missed the race?!!! It's all because BObbie made them stop for a burger, or two and they got in late and now she has missed the race!!!

Katy: (fuming and on the phone) BObbie!!! Wake up!!! Get dressed, we are going on a hike in search for a waterfall!!!
BObbie: (rubbing sleepy eyes) Huh? Waterfall? You couldn't run a tape in the garden?

You don't want to know what Katy said...

BObbie: (scared) You want me to go in that?!!! Isn't that where all these horror movies happen?!!!

Katy decided to follow the water. BObbie decided to follow Katy.

BObbie: (freaking out) Katy, Katy, there is no path there!!!
Katy: (getting annoyed) You wuss, move!!!
BObbie: (really scared) Ah!!! The tree touched me!!!

Katy: (excited) I think I can hear the waterfall!
BObbie: (shrieking) I think I heard aliens!!!

Katy found the waterfall.

Katy testing water temperature and decided to go skinny dip. But BObbie was crying that there was something in the water and Katy had to go save him...

Katy decided to go explore upstream...
BObbie: (screaming like a pig being slaughtered) No!!!!! Katy, please don't leave me here alone, this is how people die in the movies!!!!!

BObbie: (sobbing like a little girl) Ah Katy, let's go home, I can't get a signal and Katy, Katy where are  you Katy?!!! I can't see you!!!
Katy: (OMG) I am 3m ahead of you taking pics of your sorry ass and if you just open your eyes you will see me.
BObbie: (a little bit relieved) I can see!!! The aliens didn't take my eyes!!!

The path back to the Pooh Pooh Hotel is an uphill battle.

After making it out alive, BObbie just realized this is where they went down to...

After the traumatizing ordeal Katy decided to be nice and take BObbie to a small village called Haenertsburg. There couldn't have been more than 300 souls who lives in it (BObbie is screaming this is how people die in the movies!!!). It a quaint little village and the main street had a Village Hall and shops remodeled for the tourists. Most amazingly, Katy & BObbie found a coffee shop (OK, so Lani found it first) with an owner insisting on proper coffee and has trained the staffs well. B.O.'s immediately made it their favourite stop.

Yeah, it's 20 degrees here...

Instead of staying in the Luxurious and Kinky or the Pooh Pooh Hotel, these old school styled bungalows are a great choice to bunk in.

BObbie & Katy decided to have some tea in an old book shop and found a 2007 Ride magazine. The cover star was Petacchi, yeah, that old dog in his prime...

And as Katy & BObbie were enjoying their peace, Papa showed up and...

Papa: (querying) How maach?
Mama: (WTF) Huh?

Papa: (enquiring) How maach?
Odd couple: (shocked) Que?!!!

LOOK at what Papa found...

LOOK at what Katy found...

LOOK at what the odd couple found...

Papa: (happy as a dog) Ninja!!!

Maybe if Lani flew steel...

All good things must end to start another. The three B.O. happily rocked to the Luxurious and the Kinky for a massive braai. And wood fire just have a better taste.

With a few bottles of wine, the B.O.'s made a fire in the lounge and Papa wanted everyone to play a board game with him. Still traumatized, Lani pretended he was in but locked himself up to spend some quality time with BOwife. We still have no idea what the game is called but it basically boils down to this.

Papa: (chewning) This is a game of strategy, I don't want to tell you how you should move (proceeded to move everyBOdy's piece to where he think they should be moving to), but you should move to here. But don't let me make the decisions for you. Don't you dare touch your piece. OK now, it's my turn.

It was not fun watching papa play with himself.

Anyway, Katy made Papa give up playing with himself and they decided to play the game BOllsh@t. Needless to say the game's rules was twisted and B.O.'s are kak liars...

With most B.O.'s retiring to bed, Papa and Katy partied on at a bar at Haernertsburg.

All good things must end, after a breakie at the Luxurious and the Kinky, B.O.'s gathered at the coffee shop one last time and headed back to the cold and civilization.

Haernertsburg will need to prepare themselves, next year, the B.O.'s are coming back. This time, with more B.O.'s...


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