Team B.O. New Year's Eve Gathering!!!

With the exceptions of those who were away in Mozambique, France, Durban or tied down with their families, the remaining B.O.'s gathered, assigned Lani as the New Year's Eve Party Organizer and sent him out there with their Christmas BOnus to get some prawns and fireworks.

SMSes were shortly received with Lani's updates.

"R80 per person, prawn braai, champagne and fireworks. Scalectrix & PS 3 Racing."

A couple of minutes later...

"Guys, guys, I need to increase the budget to R120 per person, i just found more fireworks!!!"

Yep... not even surprising...

Although half of the team was away (including the Official Team B.O. Photographer Goat which explains the lack of photo proofs...), the gathering still hosted Lani, BOwife, BObaby1, BObaby 2, 'Pa, Pluggie, Boat, Larry, BObride, Lani's teenage sister, Lani's teenage cousin, 'Tall, Taggie and BObbie.

'Pa took Taggie for a round of golf, according to Taggie, 'Pa regrets this decision... and refused to pay...

Lani soon cooked up a storm to go with the champagnes. Prawn braai, grilled veges in olive oil, roast potatoes and paella rice. As per standard practice, BObbie was tied down on a chair to allow the teamies to dish up first.

Knowing the seniles at Team B.O. are a bunch of "serious" and "pros-tituting" cyclists [Ed. note: stuck ups...], Pluggie made preparations. He enters the H.Q. with a cooler box.

Lani: Dude, we got enough drinks...
Pluggie: No, no, I brought real drinks...

Knowing the H.Q. won't have shot glasses, the Pluggie grabbed an espresso cup on the one hand and a bottle of vodka on the other and did the rounds.

Lani's teenage sister: (pretending to be innocent) My brother said drinking is bad for you.
Lani's teenage cousin: (clearly innocent) what's a vodka?
Lani: (just got forced down a shot) hic...
Pluggie: (vodka filled espresso cup to Lani's teenage sister and cousin) you were saying?

We weren't sure if Pluggie fed some vodka to BObaby 2, but Babyzilla was all over the Scalectrix track. Yep, at 11 month and have never crawled properly, BObaby 2 begins to walk...

With cars flipping all over the track, teams decided to hit the PS 3 Gran Tourismo simulator with seat, steering wheels and gear levers.

Around 23h00, with Pluggie's reserves running low, the teamies decided to head toward Hillfox Shopping Center for Team B.O.'s own firework show.

With Lani acting as the arm's dealer, let's just say this... Lani & Larry joined many smallish fireworks with a long fuse and stacked it up in a concealed environment. Team B.O. was visited by cops in armored vehicles.

The last time a B.O. had cops visit him...

Welcome to 2012!


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