And we are back!!!

Welcome to 2012!!!

Season's greetings all. With apologies for the lack of updates. We believe 'Pa was the culprit.

Lots happened during the festive times including some big announcement for the Team. We will be catching up shortly.

In the mean time, a reminder to all B.O.'s, you do NOT need to register for the following races in 2012. We will update you with the details soon.

- Emperor's Palace Classic.
- Dis-Chem Ride for Sight.
- Optimum Berge en Dale Classic.
- BESTmed Jock Cycle Classique.
- BESTmed Campus 2 Campus Super Classic.
- Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge.
- Silverstar Casino MTB Challenge (MTB).
- Medscheme Walkerville Classic (MTB).
- Eqstra Spring Classic (MTB).


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