Team BO Midweek Training Report (BOnold Edition)

BOlani BO'd at 15:45 which is close enough to 4am to make it acceptable (Ed.: Bastard should be punished for sending BO SMS to the editor instead of 0832092264). This of course left BOic and myself with the dilemna of what to do with the F@@king mushrooms and baked beans requested by BOlani (Ed.: hahahaha, idiots). Nonetheless inspired by the sacrifice that the Kraptain had put in this weekend past in leading his men onto the battlefield we soldiered on. On Ontdekkers the bushie (Ed.: that's BOpa for our faithful and loyal fans, all 0 of them) came of (Ed.: should "off", but he's german) second best against a big grey Metro bus (I thought it was supposed to be a big red bus that takes one out) (Ed.: damn, stupid driver, aim better next time!). Then BOic got punctured and his jooish side showed itself as he was shown to not carry bombs and tried to inlfate with the pump (Ed.: cum on, admitted, he actually asked ju guys for tubes, bombs etc. right? he does that all the time for freebies!!!). He then had second puncture (Ed.: lemme guess, his tubes are full of patches and it's those cheapies he icked up at 94 from Solomon's?) on HP and rode on a flat tire (Ed.: that's not juish, that's dumb, there goes the R 18000 wheels) to Fournos cos he wanted to save on bombs. 'Cos the breakfast at Waimans was cancelled we ended up drinking coffee out of quarts at the bushie's place (Ed.: is it drinkable?). 

BOic had these to say:-

We blew one bushie bomb (Ed.: (shaking his head)) on my first puncture. Bushie then changed his mind and extracted the entire valve from the tube (Ed.: (shake his head more)). We reinflated with a pomp (Ed.: from behind?).

My second deflation took place in full view of the gym. I rode the bike broken along HP and it was squealing like a stuck BObbie (Ed.: who's BObbie?) by the time we arrived. Thanks be to the Austrian for suffering alongside (Ed.: face it, it's not like he has a sin lady to return to). 

So, just to sum up:

1 tyre vokked
2 tubes
1 bomb

Maybe damaged Zipp (all self inflicted, I know, shut the vok up) (Ed.: yeah, shut the vok up!)

No breakfast, no socks (wearing a clean pair of sports socks to work - class).

The day can surely only get better. Oh, hold on... What's that?... Cape Town?... End of Feb?... But there's a race I was planning to not pay for... Oh... OK... (Ed.: is this a business trip?!!!)

So anyway, I'll probably be in Cape Town Exhibiting at the Design Indaba instead of racing MaCsteal. 

We need to pray (Crap: excellent, who invited BOic anyway!!!).


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