Berge en Dale Race Report
Tis is a sad day. After a grand showing at Discum, Team BO went into "I am too tired to race anymore mode". Crap simply disappeared, Lani blamed it on BObaby, Rabia is still asleep on the same couch, Bladder has returned home to Taiwan (his parting words: "My girls trains harder, get results and is sponsored proper!!!", we should hurt him when he cums next), Whale has a hump back issue and Bushie said he's heart broken. He was dumped by his golf course bunnies citing something soft.
And zie Goat, he was there, but we not sure what he was there for. we also saw BOpit, so maybe Katy was secret racing somewhere or still drunk.
Turns out it was BOpit and Katy was secret Racing. That was not very Ayoba.
No matter, zie Panda and Donut (or was it BOpa) met up at Fournos and the two happily rode to the start. They also bumped into old man Glen who chewned fat BObbie a bit.
This was also the first time this year BObbie (or was it BOpa) was on time for a race, except he still was at the back. He was sulking a bit though, as the promise of the donut never happened. BObbie (or was it BOpa) & BOnold argued bitterly. not a great start.
Neither is the weather.
Once the B Group was released, BOnold rode up Krugers on his own and ignored BObbie (or was it BOpa). BObbie (or was it BOpa) reckons BOnold is a cheap bastard rode up to him and gave hi the finger. BOnold reacted by swearing at him.
The two continued to bicker bitterly down Sterkies and even the rain God was not kind. It poured all the way pass Tarlton to Magalies, but the rain did shut the two up.
However, both bickering bitches were right in the front of the peloton and finally they arrived at the Cradle. Because the group climbed slowly and no attempt of break aways in rain and flat, most of the group are together. But zie cradle, ish not for softies and the pack begins to break up.
BOnold: #$&^%#%@$^&@^&, I am gonna kick your ass today.
BObbie: %#&^^&@&(*#&#, zie Bras gonna kick your ass!!!
BOnold: ^#*^&@$@&*@, no Bras is gonna kick my ass!!!
BObbie: #%&^@%@$^&#@&^, they kicking your ass right now!!!
BOnold: #$&%@&@*^#*&^@#, not only will they not kick my ass I am gonna kick your ass!!!
BObbie: $#^&@%#@*^#, I am gonna wait till the last stretch and I am gonna ride away from you!!!
BOnold: #&^@#*&^#, I take down zie Bras and den I take ju!!!
With that said, BOnold immediately attacked up the hills. Needless to say, BObbie ain't gonna let him go that easily. By now zie Bras has realized BOnold has an agenda against. One of dem rode up to BOnold, trashed him and chewned him he's a lurker. Beeg mistake. This is Team BO muthafaaka! It's one thing the team mate bitch & moan at each other, but no one else must chewn dem bladders. BObbie (or was it BOpa) immediately chewned zie Bra to go sit on his seat post and that BOnold is tema leader today and he's gonna tow now.
With that said, every uphill the two chommies attacked and BObbie (or was it BOpa) worked some. The peloton is beginning to break apart. But alas, a A rider was too strong and broke away with about 20 men. No matter, the chase begun inside the Cradle. BObbie (or was it BOpa) then made an attempt to break away before arriving at the valley. He caught half of the break aways but also towed the main peloton closer. Team BO rode nice & easy up the valley and straight after, BOnold launched an attack with BObbie (or was it BOpa) besides him. But BObbie (or was it BOpa) was a bit tired from the previous attack and dropped back.
By now, at least 5 riders ran away but are within sight. The main peloton of around 20 men are all at their limits. But Team BO has successfully dumped zie Bras. BOnold was SMSing dem all about it. Knowing after a long down hill and it's the stretch home and BOnold was SMSing, BObbie (or was it BOpa) launched for the downhill. several guys countered with BOnold following.
BObbie upfront: hehehehehehehe...
BOnold aback: #%*&^^&@#%&(@*&@*%^(#*)(*@#&^#^&%#%^*^#*(@...
At the foot of the hill, it's basically a 2km stretch incline home. BObbie (or was it BOpa) stayed his big chain ring and started to sprint home whilst chasing down the break aways. BOnold is still cursing. the peloton was not gonna let Team BO just get away, well, they tried. BOnold claimed he slowed dem down, but BObbie (or was it BOpa) claimed something.
With that, BObbie (or was it BOpa) did what he evil planned during the week, pretend to lide with BOnold only to slaughter him at the end.
Before the result is up, BObbie's Garmin chewns him a 3h01, but he did start the clock early and stopped it late. BOnold immediately claimed 2h58 even if he came through later. BObbie also believes he is in the top 5. But since BOpa never delivered his chips, he would never know.
But zies was a race zie Goat would have loved. Oh wait, BObbie called zie Goat then. Accordingly, he was deep inside zie cradle still.
Real result will be updated later.
BOnold: 3h01.
Boy Friend: 3h02.
Katy: 3h25.
BOpa: Would have had a sub 3.
Winning Time: 2h24.
And zie Goat, he was there, but we not sure what he was there for. we also saw BOpit, so maybe Katy was secret racing somewhere or still drunk.
Turns out it was BOpit and Katy was secret Racing. That was not very Ayoba.
No matter, zie Panda and Donut (or was it BOpa) met up at Fournos and the two happily rode to the start. They also bumped into old man Glen who chewned fat BObbie a bit.
This was also the first time this year BObbie (or was it BOpa) was on time for a race, except he still was at the back. He was sulking a bit though, as the promise of the donut never happened. BObbie (or was it BOpa) & BOnold argued bitterly. not a great start.
Neither is the weather.
Once the B Group was released, BOnold rode up Krugers on his own and ignored BObbie (or was it BOpa). BObbie (or was it BOpa) reckons BOnold is a cheap bastard rode up to him and gave hi the finger. BOnold reacted by swearing at him.
The two continued to bicker bitterly down Sterkies and even the rain God was not kind. It poured all the way pass Tarlton to Magalies, but the rain did shut the two up.
However, both bickering bitches were right in the front of the peloton and finally they arrived at the Cradle. Because the group climbed slowly and no attempt of break aways in rain and flat, most of the group are together. But zie cradle, ish not for softies and the pack begins to break up.
BOnold: #$&^%#%@$^&@^&, I am gonna kick your ass today.
BObbie: %#&^^&@&(*#&#, zie Bras gonna kick your ass!!!
BOnold: ^#*^&@$@&*@, no Bras is gonna kick my ass!!!
BObbie: #%&^@%@$^&#@&^, they kicking your ass right now!!!
BOnold: #$&%@&@*^#*&^@#, not only will they not kick my ass I am gonna kick your ass!!!
BObbie: $#^&@%#@*^#, I am gonna wait till the last stretch and I am gonna ride away from you!!!
BOnold: #&^@#*&^#, I take down zie Bras and den I take ju!!!
With that said, BOnold immediately attacked up the hills. Needless to say, BObbie ain't gonna let him go that easily. By now zie Bras has realized BOnold has an agenda against. One of dem rode up to BOnold, trashed him and chewned him he's a lurker. Beeg mistake. This is Team BO muthafaaka! It's one thing the team mate bitch & moan at each other, but no one else must chewn dem bladders. BObbie (or was it BOpa) immediately chewned zie Bra to go sit on his seat post and that BOnold is tema leader today and he's gonna tow now.
With that said, every uphill the two chommies attacked and BObbie (or was it BOpa) worked some. The peloton is beginning to break apart. But alas, a A rider was too strong and broke away with about 20 men. No matter, the chase begun inside the Cradle. BObbie (or was it BOpa) then made an attempt to break away before arriving at the valley. He caught half of the break aways but also towed the main peloton closer. Team BO rode nice & easy up the valley and straight after, BOnold launched an attack with BObbie (or was it BOpa) besides him. But BObbie (or was it BOpa) was a bit tired from the previous attack and dropped back.
By now, at least 5 riders ran away but are within sight. The main peloton of around 20 men are all at their limits. But Team BO has successfully dumped zie Bras. BOnold was SMSing dem all about it. Knowing after a long down hill and it's the stretch home and BOnold was SMSing, BObbie (or was it BOpa) launched for the downhill. several guys countered with BOnold following.
BObbie upfront: hehehehehehehe...
BOnold aback: #%*&^^&@#%&(@*&@*%^(#*)(*@#&^#^&%#%^*^#*(@...
At the foot of the hill, it's basically a 2km stretch incline home. BObbie (or was it BOpa) stayed his big chain ring and started to sprint home whilst chasing down the break aways. BOnold is still cursing. the peloton was not gonna let Team BO just get away, well, they tried. BOnold claimed he slowed dem down, but BObbie (or was it BOpa) claimed something.
With that, BObbie (or was it BOpa) did what he evil planned during the week, pretend to lide with BOnold only to slaughter him at the end.
Before the result is up, BObbie's Garmin chewns him a 3h01, but he did start the clock early and stopped it late. BOnold immediately claimed 2h58 even if he came through later. BObbie also believes he is in the top 5. But since BOpa never delivered his chips, he would never know.
But zies was a race zie Goat would have loved. Oh wait, BObbie called zie Goat then. Accordingly, he was deep inside zie cradle still.
Real result will be updated later.
BOnold: 3h01.
Boy Friend: 3h02.
Katy: 3h25.
BOpa: Would have had a sub 3.
Winning Time: 2h24.