Breaking News!!!

Zies morning as usual the team went out for a lide. BObbie was told by zie Lani that it's gonna be an easy recovery lide.

Lani after a nice and slow pace up H.P. klapped it on Ontdekkers. Zies was followed by zie Austrian who klapped it somewhere. Zies was then followed by zie Goat who klapped it even more!!!

BObbie is basically klapped.

But den dey ate proper.

But dey no see BOpa, who was trash talking the team about how slack dey are, not working hard enough, need to do more intervals, sprint more hills, more base.

So whilst the Goat trained ahead, BObbie ate a lot, Lani cooked for BObbie, Crap drank himself stupid, Katy partied, aRabia slept, Whale flipped and zie Panda tried to work some, zie BOpa was hospitalized.

BOpa has been diagnosed with some heart thingy. Apparently from using Viagra to stimulate. The doctors used a dildo and probed his ass and found this. They are keeping him in the hospital to shove more objects up his ass.

BOpa is now out of action and is not allowed to train with the team. He can however, still eat and race with the team, just no training allowed.


Anonymous said…
I thought I was crass and insensitive! Remind me not to get a serious sickness/disease or disabilty and then have such comments mad about me. Then again maybe this is bobbies fantasies coming through. Anyway I got dibs on his job!
The BOditor said…
so you not taking the furniture?

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