Stonehaven Race Report - BOdaddy style!!!

BOdaddy Edition:-

Good Morning fellow Bo-members (ed. note: what is f@@king good about this weather?). Not sure what part I did not understand (ed. note: you must lern.) on the “change to the plan” but I am still waiting for team BO to pitch for yesterday’s race (ed. note: BOic pitched.) . Is this the impact Bobbie and the Craptain have on the team with the “no pitch” (ed. note: crap is beyond rules, BObbie claiming niece rule.)?

Dedication and commitment must go to BOpunda (ed. note: BOpunda has nothing to do either than drink home brewed ales.). After calling me at 05:00 to confirm if the race is on, he fell asleep again (ed. note: don't drink and ride.) just to realize that I send him an sms informing him that I am leaving at 06:15. He called again at 06:50 to confirm if I already left, to which I replied bo-pa. He jumped out of bed with a major babalaas and rushed off to the Vaal, got lost and pitched late (ed. note: he pitched in the car?!) . Mates of mine helped him get dressed (ed. note: too much info, BOdaddy, some private behaviours you keep it off the air. BOpunda & your mate's sexuality is not our business.) and we started 10min after the gun went off. We started like a house on fire and at about 15km Bonald almost poic (ed. note: is poic now an official BO word for BOic like puking performance during races?)…… We worked well together (ed. note: et tu BObrutus?!) and some losers (ed. note: sies, ju two are top of amateur riding against fun riders, we should call ju two alexis) were sitting our wheel without contributing. At the end they all tried to pip us to the line (ed. note: oh, #$&^@%#@&^#%, kill dem!!!), but the interval training help and I f@@ked them to the line (ed. note: straight!).

It was a great day and finished off with a good breakfast and Bonald enjoyed some drafts (ed. note: BOpunda last measured at 2785 pts. CSA might take away his license.) …..

All that did not pitched, you will LEARN and it WILL cost you (ed. note: che?!).

BOpunda Edition:-

It was a late arrival (ed. note: what else is new?) for BOpunda after a heavy night (ed. note: what else is new?) and a sleep relapse after BOlani (ed. note: and BOic and BObbie and Crap.) BO'd the race. BOchanic had chewned (ed. note: it's "tuned", maybe you should drink a bit less.) the bike and it was twez for the race. BOdaddy was kind enuf to wait a few minutes for Bopunda to kit up (ed. note: why are we hearing two versions of the stories here? are you gay or not?) and we chased down the packs making good progress. Alomost poic but held it down with joos (ed. note: yes, you don't wanna know.). On the return leg we could have pushed harder but we were pissed (ed. note: pissed or pissed?) off with the lurkers includig some women (ed. note: first BOdaddy disses on losers, now BOpunda disses on females, how low have we sunken?) who refused to help out. 

New friends were made (ed. note: so we heard about you & BOdaddy's mate in the car, wink, wink!) including some crew from bushies on bikes and my colleagues also joined in coming in at 1:45-the same as us.

I propose that BOlabia now be called BOperennial-BOerand-never-showed-up-for-rides-and-races-as-he-is-under-the-thumb-of-significant-other (ed. note: this is the only sentence that made sense to me.)

Ed. Edition:-

BOdaddy & BOpunda's boy friend that changed with them in the car... 3M huh?


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