The Event - BOlani's Celebration!

For BOlani’s birthday, the Crap and the team decided on a chain of events to celebrate Saturday, the 4th of December (actually BOlani arranged everything, but what the heck).

It started with BObbie BO’ing the Saturday morning ride, citing a basketball game of which his team is playing. Needless to say, his team got wiped out. No matter, BOrabia, BOnold & BOdope took zie Lani out and slaughtered him in the hills. Apparently it’s a Swazi tradition.

But BObbie isn’t the only thing that went wrong. BOtall who was hospitalized from too much riding (7 on 1), too much blue pills (7 on 1) just couldn’t leave the cute Physio and faked heart muscle thingy (too big a word for BObbie) and wasn’t released from Olivedale Clinic in time for the Events. She was punished to spend the night alone with hospital jelly.

BOic who has had a history with "minors" continued to have problems with "minors" and could not attend.

BObbie who couldn’t afford a full night had to leave the Events early and missed coffee session.

BOmie who flew back from the windy city was late to the finish line as usual.

Katy being a blonde, didn’t know how to answer her cell phone and had to interrupt BObbie so she can be picked up by the team bus.

Regardless, Team BO departs. Just as how he ride, BOlani (and boss) leads out BOdope (and his pills), BOrabia (dumped by the boss), Cindy (team masseur and her Liverpooh slave) and George (wannabe BO and his boss) in a train of vehicles picked up Katy and off they go toward the dodgy restaurant (everyone except BOlani and his boss complained why couldn’t they rather go to a decent restaurant like the Spur).

BOlani as usual drove like he rides (everywhere on the road). BOdope and his red & racy Audi have never done anything more than 60km/h struggled to keep up. They team (either than BOlani and his boss) were also afraid for their lives since they were white (yes, BOdope, BOrabia are more coconuts) going into part of town even Julius was afraid of.

BObbie (and date), BOnold (and date) arrived first with zie Crap (and boss) making his grand entrance. Knowing team BO was never on time, zie Crap ordered the restaurant to serve the food first. And it always works; the team all of a sudden appears when the soup was served.

Since BOaan is still on a mission, BOlani ordered food that oinks. This did not please BOnold and BOdope. One says he is a Paleo man and one is on pills. Regardless, after zie Crap forced some wanton into both of them, both were chowing like the animal they stuffed themselves with. BOrabia never bothered, he eats whatever, it can oink, meh, moo, miaw or woof, he chows them all.

BOlani’s boss baked him an awesome birthday cake and the team celebrated by popping some poppers. Upon the sound of bang… whiteys (incl. BOdope) immediately ducked under the table. Katy is just confused.

The Team then hit the theater. It was a bit too much culture for zie Crap to absorb. He hit the bar immediately and ordered a beer. But alas, they no serve “Labels” which miffed zie Crap further. BOlani then thought he was watching rugby, he bought everyone biltong when we asked for dark chocolate! Needless to say, where as the member’s bosses feels high class and comfy, the team FELT out of sorts and keep on LOOKing around. Eventually the TIME came to watch the show.

Zies man Tre-vor, he’s too funny. From the World Cup to Panjo the tiger, zies man has a lot to say. He had Team BO laughing so much that by the end of the show, Team BO is so tired they can’t laugh no more. BOlani had cramps in his jaw. Team BO will need to get the video to recall some of the lines delivered for use exclusively on rides. BObbie could only recall “strike like the cobra!”…

Because limited to funds, BObbie had to drop his date off. The rest of the team gathers at News for coffee. Well, almost everyone. Zie crap had beer in his coffee. Since the Editor wasn’t there, he could not fabricate further until stories are told to him. Regardless, those who made it, went home happy.

Stonehaven 60km up this Sunday!


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