
Have you ever just slowed down for a moment off your bike, let the adrenaline out off the system, breath and calm yourselves and take a step back to think about this.

“To what end would you go, to ride your bike?”

Crap smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish, every ride he took was physically painful for him.

BOic would drive 74km for a ride.

BOnold would give up Paleo.

BOdope would give up little blue pills.

Katy would not put on make-ups.

BOrabia would give up sex.

BObbie would, er… uhm… eh… never mind.

And BOtall did 7 guys, put in 214 hours, damaged her heart muscles just for 1 ride.

Is it really necessary? Especially when there are no races this year, amidst a break from a grueling season, after one of the biggest races in the year, holiday season almost upon us, is it really necessary to wake up at 04h00 in the morning to sub a 40?

BOLani did step back, he did relax, he calmed himself, AND HE ACTUALLY TEAR DOWN HIS GARAGE TO GET TO HIS DOGGY SO HE CAN RIDE THIS MORNING.

He was not going to be stopped, he was not going to accept defeat, no rain, no storm nor garage door was gonna stop him from a ride! How many of us would do that?!!! DEDICATION!!!!!

It was however, a terrible ride. The team blamed BObbie for showing up with his bad luck. BObbie sulked because the team rode like bunch of palookas instead like a team. 50min and a broken garage door was the end result.

Insult List
BOlani, BOic, BOnold, BOdope
BOlani, BOic, BOnold, BOdope, BObbie
BOlani, BOic, BOpunda, BOdope, BObbie

BOic also put forth a nomination for a code name change for BOnold. We believe he should be renamed to BOpunda (pronounced with an African accent and after a Chinese animal, the panda bear). Why you ask? Well, I mean… just look at him!!!

P.S. We at BO Editorial apologizes for poor image quality. BOic may know how to ride a bike, but his photographic skills are best described as a fish with a camera, what with those slippery, fingerless fins trying to hold it together. 


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