The Return Of The Crap

And we are almost at the big one, the 94.7 Cycle Challenge.

As usual, closer to this TIME of the year, our spiritual guidance, our symbol of faith, our fearless leader the Craptain pops out of no where and rides a bicycle. And as per many of the traditions the B.O.'s do, we keep a Craptain's ride.

But before we get there, Waala and Tallietag had a brain storm...

This year, many of the B.O.'s will not be racing, instead, Tallietag who's tying knots next year will be in the competition to win a honeymoon by riding the wedding gig. In support, Waala is bring in the "Sound Machine" which is infamous for playing sissy music at the monthly JHB Critical Mass (yep, Waala and Gaatie are heavily involved in that). And Team B.O.'s militant wing Aertech has been contracted to send drones up in 6 spots through out the route and be responsible for bombing footages of suffering cyclists back to the live feed that will be aired at the start and on Super Sport.

Watch the drones targeting the B.O.'s...!videos/c1pbv

The B.O. Sound Machine Wedding Party...

TallieTag are ready...

Before all that though, we have a Craptain's Ride.

Not everyone is here and BObbie is late. Lolly is at church, Dinki is mounting, Tubs is drunk and Gaatdev is still asleep and BOmie claims he's sick...

When the Crap is around, the B.O.'s get preferential treatment. An ER24 ambulance covered the B.O.'s, blocked traffics and drove away before Pops and BObbie could buy them a drink. Thank you for the cover and thank you for saving lives!!!

It wasn't long before grandpa to be member requires assistance, on duty today, the fat BOb.

Ah, Brixton, let's not linger...

It's out of Brixton the nice ER24 Ambulance left the B.O.'s on their ventures. immediately Whale takes the road... EveryBOdy, this is how you should NOT ride...

Ah, the old train station, would be nice if they build some coffee shops and specialty food stalls...

Up Madiba bridge we go...

What the... Usual team photographer the Goat is sleeping (&^$%@^%@$#&*@#%^), the temp did not get us a shot of the Madiba bridge. No worries, we have a aerial station at the Madiba bridge on Sunday, we will share our shots...

Just think of all the food stall you can have it here (BOd note: Yes, BObbie hijacked this one...)...

Up to Rosebank we go...

Crap discussing terms with Pa on if Pa will tow him to beat that fat BOb. Hao maach is discussed...

LOOKs like their terms are far apart...

This is how you should ride, single file...

Pa setting a bad example for cyclist everywhere (Pa: (explaining) I am innocent, I was blowing my nose!!!)

BObbie is fat...

Papa is dry...

BOatie is huge...

Soon to be grandpa Horhe...

Whale is about two Taggies...

We don't really know who he is and why is he here... but LOOKs like he takes viagra, so he must be one of us...

Chicken leading the way, he LOOKs fried though...

Oh... and here is the Lani, BObbie thinks he's not too small either...

BOwife admiring the view, and get left behind, brutes...

TIME for a break, the Crap ordered on a TIME...

After the break, the B.O.'s asked "Why did the Chicken cross the road" question when Chicken broke traffic laws.

Lani fat ass wiggled his saddle off, BObbie: (I told you!!!) See, it does happen (BOd note: yeah it does, to the two chubby asses...). Yes, Every TIME Lani & Waala takes a multi coloured pill, they get excited for a photo "shoot"...

Eventually the B.O.'s arrived back and with little choice for the most important meal of the day. The teamies settled for some cafe that claimed to have news printed on their tables. It's more famous for its lame service and notorious selfish behaviours to the neighbourhood and dopers that's not cyclist.

BObbie is not fooled, and he's not on weight watch, he begin feeding before 10min after the teams placed their orders. Waala who can't keep to his weight weighing in on Bobbie's meal...

Chicken got bored waiting for his food begins to pick his nose...

Pops and that dude we don't know begins to surf porn whilst they wait, Crap LOOKing on disgusted with Pop's selections...

BOatie missing Dinki and Tubs...

So what key intakes makes the BOatie strong?

Crap always drinks pink...

The B.O.'s will be invading the Coca Cola Dome soon...


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