As Tradition Calls...

The B.O.'s 94.7 Cycle Challenge preparation party are ready to roll. Led by the Crap, the Chicken, the Tub, some Conts and the Pop is ready to launch their offence on the many hills of the Cycle Challenge. Tubs is especially prepared with his new, new, new Black Sabbath.

On the other end, The Whale readies his Sound Machine and the Team B.O. Militant Wing Aertech is now tasked with 8 spy spots covering the routes. All is ready for the party that is the 94.7 Cycle Challenge.

TallieTag arrives...

Tallie's wedding ride...

Taggie bought her the diamonds... or diamentes... or fake diamonds...

Taggie's wedding ride...

Dev1 wonders when is she getting one and when is she getting her B.O. Status?

The B.O. Wedding Party is led by Tallietag, GaatieDev, DinkiBOb, Whaleandhisassistant and Lani with BOwife's first ever 94.

BOboy 1 and BObaby 2 has already raced their first 94...

Tub's rumoured new secret weapon to get him a sub 3, The Black Sabbath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's another one!!!!!! Gaat FELT a numbing sensation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the legend, Ron Jeremy...

This is the wannabe legend, Raw Dinki!!!!!!

What happened to E's arm you asks? Well, we aren't exactly sure of the details, but suffice to say, we can confirm the the words "animal", "shower", "rough", "slipped", "grabbed", "hair", "didn't last long" were used in her description...

To All B.O.'s, best of the luck tomollow and enjoy every bit of it...


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