The Value of Nutrition

As the team's strongest rider, BONN decided to investigate how Goat readies himself to tackle the rigors of amateur cycling.

We start by following him around to see how he eats. Apparently it's important. According to some cycling magazine, you must eat within twenty minutes after your exercise. Below are photo proofs of what the Goat ate after a few loops around a parking lots by Northgate.

Protein!!! (Crap send his inspector to check if Goat was eating properly)


Hard work needs some rewards!!!

Oh, and a bit later, Goat will be hungry... again... a packed din din is in order...

BObbie: (WTF!!!) That's my food!!! It should be me in the pics!!!
Lani: (Whatever) I chewn ju to come, but ju wanna go visit "friend", I feed Goat...


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