Dischem Ride for Sight - A broken Up Report

The BOditor has spent the last 3 days with his toilet bowl after eating some oily food. He absolutely would love to share the sights and sounds of it except he feels he couldn't accurately bring the smells to you all and the originality would been missed. Lesson as always, if you NOT the BObbie, don't eat like a BObbie. Especially NOT during race season.

BOditor's new love.

But the stories must go on. After the traumatizing experiences at the Press Launch Breakie and the Emperor's. The New Sponsor was institutionalized. His daily diet includes Prozac and he forgot to enter the HeliBO's for the race. Luckily 'Pa, an influential man with Dischem "promised" certain back door "misconducts" and got the teamies some entries. Since this is an important seeding race, the "favoured" organizers agreed to let few teamies to jump on the VIP Group.

Ninja, 'Pa, Tubs, RoBOcop and Pluggie ready to show a certain retired pro how it's done.

Goat jumped in because he wanted to chewn the retired pro to sit his wheels. We not sure exactly what happened because everyBOdy who rode in VIP has chosen silence after. From what we can gather, the retired Pro rode out gently but did not see any B.O. wheels. One certain hairy, slurping, mountain animal was found on the side of the road without his shoes. One stealthy something was never seen again. The other three was very quiet for the rest of the way... 

The other B.O.s were left to start in FL. BOatie remembered to bring his spares.

Staches was told no killing of any kind.

Boatie checking back with Crap & Lani for instructions. Apparently it's about beating Katy. The feud between Katy and Crap is now heating up. We are told from someBOdy's cousin's brother's father-in-law's auntie and her cousin twice removed that the Crap paid BObbie R 5.00 to steal a bottle away from Katy. Apparently BObbie almost succeeded but Katy kind of saw through it and took her bottle back. She then dashed out of the gate when the gun was fired so BObbie wouldn't try anything funny with her again.

Taggie was so happy he get to ride with his girl friend 'Tall. Well, for maybe at the starting cage. 'Tall dumped Taggie before they crossed the timing mate and went with BOatie. There seemed to be a lot of in between stories. It was later confirmed by the BObbie although he denies this that when 'Tall punctured, BOatie stayed behind with his spares but Taggie just rode ahead. However, apparently BOatie's spares weren't big enough or something that BObbie had to come back to show him how it's done. Whilst Crap held up Lani, Taggie and Stache to wait for them at the HeliBO water point and chat up to the blondies, BObbie and BOatie was finishing up with 'Tall in tall grass. When the three finally chased back 'Tall is not talking to Taggie. The teamies noticed the New Sponsor was released from the institution and was on hand to offer the teamies drinks during the photo shoot. But the teamies agree that the blondies looked better than the New Sponsor.

Anyway, time to get back on the road. The teamies did debate whether they should wait for Whale and Larry who somehow landed up in ML. The decision was a hard one and it took the teamies a long, long time to decide the collective "NO". It wasted them another 1.3 seconds.

With Valentine's shadows looming in the back ground, 'Tall angry rode hard up front with Stache whilst Taggie wants to know what happened in tall grass with BOatie and BObbie. Crap not seeing Katy and could not stand being beaten by her again left the in-fighting teamies to chase her. Lani being the only one not involved in anything for the first time fell asleep. By the time they reached the hills 'Tall held Stache's hand and rode away. BOatie who cannot explain the spare issues refused to talk to Taggie. BObbie try to make nice with Taggie by pushing him up the hills faster than rest of the FL. Lani then feels like cramping and BObbie fed him Rennies. Lani not sure if it works so BObbie fed him some more Rennies, a lot more Rennies. Lani now has a cramp, but not in the legs, but in his tummy. Whale the fastest huge fish ever caught up with them and left cramping Lani and fat BObbie and went away with BOatie and Taggie.

Soon Larry also came pass the crampers. He offered to tow like the way he offered to tow BObbie at 94, by riding the f@@k away from them.

Anyway, BObbie and Lani are the last to arrive at the finish line and found a depressed Panda and Crap, both on Prozac. Apparently Katy beat them both. BObbie cracks himself laughing. The boys decided to find some TLC form the massage tent. Lani after last year when BObbie sabotaged him [Ed. note: full details read our previous post of 2011's Dischem Ride for Sight] with a mama booted BObbie away. BObbie found rest of the teamies under no HeliBO tent for drinks and boerie rolls.

Another wannabe B.O. found, Lani chewns him to bring an application.

Ninja claims this is why he couldn't keep up in the VIP group.

Goat's seat, oh never mind the Goat...

Katy: (celebrating) I kicked all your asses.
EveryBOdy: (sour) bia...........

Whale after chasing from ML requires compression chamber to relieve muscle pain.

Whale: (screaming like a fish) Where the "beep" is that HeliBO when I need it!!!

BObbie resorts to Crap's training method.

Pluggie resorts to Crap's training methods.

Stache resorts to Crap's training methods.

Tubs resorts to Crap's training methods.

RoBOcop and 'Tall resorts to Crap's training methods.

RoBOcop tries to sell team boeries rolls to teamies.

After getting his ass kicked by a girl [Pluggie: (sour) I feel you man, I feel you!], Crap begins serious training immediately.

'Tall upset she had to pay RoBOcop for the boerie rolls she brought. She still couldn't figure out how it worked...

Whale sat into Ninja's boot. Whale stuck. Whale cries for help, Ninja calls insurance company.

And noBOdy subbed a 3...

Scattered and aimless, this was not the best race for the teamies. No matter, proper racing business shall resume at Optimum Berge en Dale Classic.


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