The Mystery Road...

This morning, the three original B.O.s decided to at least get on the bike to wonder a bit so when they have the traditional Lani breakie, they won't feel so guilty.

The three BOmigos strolled around the residential areas, listening to the bird singing, munching nice snacks Lani prepared for BObaby 2, arguing about BObbie's weight issues and Goat's VB. It was a good one. Until they bumped into this...

Oops... sorry... that's 'Tall's legs... my bad...

What is this blurry thing you asked? Well, it's blurry because BObbie's hand was still shaking when he took it, Lani had to ride side ways, Goat literally came to a stand still and refuses to go back down and up again. With the sun blocking the distant view you don't see how high the BOmigos are standing. With a turn, you don't see how long it is and photos do not show you how steep the gradient is.

This is the Peri Peri. This has been certified by the Goat with his stomp of approval. This could be the new god. Newbies, be scared, be very scared. It is required by Team Law that you pray to the Mountain Gods to receive your B.O. Those who have B.O. can thank their lucky stars. If the Goat flatly refuses to do it again, you know you are in deep crap.

To best describe what you have to encounter, the bump all the way up to the B.O. Headquarter, it's the same gradient, four times the length.

Start the prayer...

Anyway, BOwife was worried that BOmigos' fruit salads were not nutritious enough...

No cycling clubs train as hard as Team B.O.


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