Race for Victory - Ninja Edition.
(Since the BOditor had sum "technicals", he could not show up at the race to report the race. 'Pa conned the Ninja into doing it and here's Ninja's version).
Well, for me it all started early in the week with a promise of a race number from the Punda who couldn't ride his race coz he's a sick animal.
Well, I prepared myself and got psyched and revved up raring to go. The Punda animal didn't provide me with a number after all coz he didnt bother to collect nor did he bother to inform the Ninja to collect. That was never gonna dampen the Ninja's spirit however.
Well, (Ed. note: Well, we could very well started counting the wells in this BOg, because you know, well, there's a lot of well in it. Just saying) during breakie, after the pre-race leg loosener the Ninja requested to ride with Pa but e'body convinced her not to (Ed. note: Well, it was for your own good. The Pa, well, he's very advil). Needless to say the Ninja got lost and missed the A,B,C,D,E starts (Ed. note: Well, noBOdy is even surprised that you are late anyway). Ninja had to start by itself after arriving to the start, thanks to 2 police officers that guided ninja to the start.
Well, it was a cruel and windy day. Ninja time trialled 3/4 of the route by Ninjaself with no help from anyone. Only help received for 1/4 of route by 3 riders that eventually fallen the wayside. 2 before the nature reserve and 1 after nature reserve. The entire route was "beep" windy, there was nowhere to hide, and the "beep" reserve was windy climbing the last hill aka KOM was even worse with the head "beep" wind on an uphill!!!
All being said, like I said to 'Pa afterwards, forget the 94.7 and forget the Argus, if gays wana measure wors (Goat & BObbie: Measure wors?! Seriously?!! Really?!!!) then come to the R4V and measure up for 2 reasons:
1. It cums still early in the season.
2. It got 2 big factors that shrink wors size, wind and climbing (Pluggie: if ju don't break the skin, it won't shrink).
Well, the Ninja was happy at the end with a time of 3:25 by itself. Imagine if Ninja started with good bunch? Even better time we are sure (BOfessor: Well, er... no. Ju'd be slaughtered early and struggles to finish... But who's counting anyway).
Next big race is Jacaranda with Kakkies at the end of 70km, something to look forward to.
Thanks to 'Pa for getting Ninja lost ('Pa: "beep" you! Why don't you go "beep" yourself you "beeping", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep", "beep"!!!). Thanks to BObbie and 'Tall for convincing the 'Pa not to take Ninja with for the race but its cool I guess. Now Ninja know where start is for next year if they dont change it again for the 4th time.
P.S. Yes, yes. Either than a lot of whines, we don't actually know what happened at the race, nadda.
P.S.S. Yes, apparently there is still a 'Pa's version cuming. But don't keep your hopes high, zie Panda promised the Race Report for Dome to Dome as well.
P.S.S.S. Total count of "well" used, 14. As much as 'Pa's profanities used.