A Royal Wedding!!!

Over the weekend, Le Train derailed and married his princess. It was one of the most genuine wedding the Editor have attended even though he hadn't attend much. It was what a wedding should be. The couple was truly happy and shared their love and enjoyments with the ones who was truly happy for them.

Amongst the highlights.

- Team BO outside the church behaving like Team BO always does but in suits and ties!!!

- BObride dancing her way out of the church in rhythm.

- The attention grabbing photographer who took the newly weds for a wild west shooting trip and left Team BO hungered to death. BOpa stole a burger at the Spurs whilst chewning the rest of the team (which includes BObaby 1) to wait. Team BO obviously don't wait and ran out to Capello's to feed. BOpa then showed up to cancel their orders (Earning him COD award).

- The "nail in the coffin" and "over protective" speech that probably had Team BO picking up their jaws from the floor.

- How Panda drank and Goat ate. They were both happier people after drinking and eating, respectively...

- BOthemba's brilliant presentation that was definitely the high light of the evening and Whale's teary confession which probably had BObride worried...

- Le Train's superb hearty speech that was so not Le Train which had Team BO picking up their jaws from the floor again. Whale was in tears... again...

As more photos come through, we will update.

 BObbie the boss flanked by his bushie bodyguards.

 No, this is what happens when Panda is in a church, and drunk...

 Le Train waiting.

 And waiting...

 Le Train: (Freaked out) I have to marry three?!!!

 P. Diddy?!!!

 We have no idea why Goat took this pic...

 The Whale was here...

 So is the Panda...

 I want food!!!

BObaby 1: (Crying) Where is daddy and the pizza uncle BObbie promised (cancelled by uncle BOpa little one. don't forget, don't ever forget)?!!!


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