Magalies Training Report (BOpa Edition).

Viewers who are sensitive to poor grammar, spelling mistakes, inaccurate reporting, strong language, violence, nudity, sex should read this.

At 05:00 the Bopa sms Lani to confirm that the ride is on. Bopa left his place at 06:20 and meet to Applicant, also known as BOtube, at 06:40. As usual on time and getting ready for the cold, wet and misty ride to Magalies, how bloody stupid are we to leave our warm beds to ride is such k@k weather.
06:50 I called Lani to check where's the rest of the team. As usual team BO is late. Arnold rocked up 07:05, not dressed as usual and holding up the rest of the team.

The ride started off slow and at the mini Kruger hill, Lani and the goat wanted to show off and sprint to the top, leaving the rest behind, only for the goat to get a flat and LERN that you don't leave your mates behind. 

At about 20km's Lani's glasses had to be "adjusted" and got left behind, even BOtube wanted to show off and chased after Goat and Arnold. As usual, Bopa adopted the father figure and waited for Lani to catch up and we easily caught up. The rest of the team waited for us at the T-Junction. They felt guilty and Lani instructed the Taliban and the "big boys" to go to the front and protect us from the wind. We did some intervals, and BOtube, not knowing what to do, lurking at the back until Bopa decided to increase the pace and show the boys how to do things the proper way, up the hills......ja, ja, whatever.
We all arrived at the venue and Lani and the Goat ate like they not getting enough food at home, BOtube, watching his waist couldn't resist and ate for him and Bobbie's waist line.

After the braking news that Bin Ladin is dead, the Taliban and Lani was pissed off and decided they note riding home and rushed to their cars to be in time for Bin Ladin's funeral......

BOpa; Goat, BOnald and BOtube decided to take on the 46km back home. BOtube couldn't handle the hill out the restaurant and soon find himself behind the other 3. We waited for him at the top. At reaching the top he faaaked of leaving us behind. Every downhill Bonald wanted to show how fast he is.... faaak I'm typing more than the Editor.....
BOnald was complaining that the pace is too slow and we started intervals that never stopped. BOnald and Botube could not keep up and Goat and BOpa kept on increasing the pace. BOnald got so pissed off that he took another route, without informing the rest of the group. We all waited like idiots for BOnald, only to be told by BOtube that he is not coming.

The rest of the team all left and the two Bushies went to have some gay Latte and Prego rolls at Fournous......

Viewer Comments:-

"BOnald and Botube could not keep up and Goat and BOpa kept on increasing the pace. BOnald got so pissed off that he took another route.."...KAK!....I waited for Theo after you okes fucked off and I decided to add extra kms-you had all sped off by then and could not be communicated with you Dummy!

Editor's Note:-

Maybe that's why they all bought light weight bikes...


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