Team BO Holiday Edition

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Er... eh... ja... we start with BOpunda's search for pureness.

BOtall & Katy: Go pure, take it off! Take it off!!!
BOic: He no 19 lah...
BOtall & Katy: Keep it on, keep it on...

Why would BOpunda be interested at this?!!!

Well, BOpunda found his roots eventually, back in China.

BOlani has been cuming with "I only had 3 hours of sleep last night!!!", guess he's been telling the truth!!!

Katy needs to learn some manners.

This was taken when Katy was stopped by cops traveling around 198km/h on her way to some rest & recuperation. According to trusted inside source, Katy promptly got out of her car, ran toward the cop with a pump. The cops was seen back pedaling and shouting "ma'am, ma'am, it's OK, we forget about this one, ne? Please, put down what ever that black thing you are holding, ma'am!!! No!!! Eina!!!"

Katy was heard shouting "You want to be clever, ne? You be clever with this!!!".

The person who took the photos only managed to salvage this one as after Katy finished with the cops, he was next.

Craptain & zie Whale, they are back!!! OK, so the season's finished, but they are back!!!

"USN, Biogen my ass!!!"

BObaby's brother: What?!!! No more sweets?!!! Dadda think he's clever ne? Let's see dadda be clever with no buckles!!!
BOic: er... little one, that's my helmet!!!

Er... Whale, you supposed to strand on tar...

On tar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boic imitating his hero, zie Craptain.

Not even the Crap could cum like zies!!!

Evidently BOic also needs some manners.

Whale: Lick me!!!
BOlani: (Making slurping sounds).
BOpa: Rabia, ju keen?
BOrabia: Take me already, bitch!
BOic: That's it boys, keep the heat up, you are an animal, show it to me, show it to me!!!

For those who wonders where's BOaan.

For those who suspect BOtall was taking growth hormones, here's your proof (hair cuming out of her armpit).

BOrabia, I chewned ju Whale & Goat are sinners!!!

Someone might have said something along the lines of Team BO have more Team Dindins than Team Rides...

Crap: No, no. No sauce for me, I am S/T...

BOic's portion comparing to the rest of Team BO.

Focus on the driving!!!

Et tu BOrabia?!!!

BOlani & BOic's short shorts...

BOlani: I show the Whale!!!

Whale: Hehehehehehehe...
BOic: Hehehehehehehe...

(Zie Editor is expecting a ban from Google very soon)...

Back seat driver...

Does the new team kit cums in whale size?!!!

BOpa showing off the new team kit...

And would like to be referred to as BOpimp from now on...


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