The Arms Race Report - Pa Wants IN Edition

Well, it is 2014, and we simply cannot have a 2014 without yep, you guessed it, another freaking arms race report. LOOK, in Pa's defence, he always pick the wrong colour and ends up flaccid. But not this TIME, this TIME, he's coming after the Goat! Pa is launching his own Black Sabbath!!! Yes, it's the 2785th one!!! Yes, EveryBOdy has them!!!

(BOd note: We apologize for the poor quality of the image, I mean, it's black, it's probably made in China, it could have been Specialized, or it's just Special, or Spastic, we not sure, we can't tell...)

Gaat: (remarking) Is that a saddle bag?! I mean a saddle bag? Really? A saddle bag?

Gaat: (commenting) Huh? you say it has a S on the head tube? I see nuthing...

Gaat: (whatever) You mean you need "special" bottle cages? Why? They doped up?

Gaat: (nail flicking) You say the saddle is "special" huh? Why? They black?

Gaat: (advising) LOOK Papa, I not know what sabbath this is, but you have a saddle bag on your bike...

Gaat: (enough already) Yes, yes. Tell you what, don't go out in the early morning with this saddle bag huh, Audis might not see you, I mean, if they can't see that fat BOb they surely ain't seeing this saddle bag...

(BOd note: As of the date of this posting, we still have no confirmation from the Pop whether this is a Specilized or Specified...)


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