The Donkey Diary - Sani2C Day Zero

(BOd note: Dinki hates being edited, he reckons the BOd takes out his prime piece and beat it with a meat hammer and it looses its originality, so since this is his diary, his piece, BOd will gladly edit the crap out of it...)

04h50 Monday morning, something woke me up. I LOOK at the phone and realised I have an hour left before I need to wake up. Heavy D is only coming at 06h00, if he comes at all.

(BOd note: Raaight, so you wake us up at 04h50 for what? for what? And who the heck is Heavy D?)

Then my vision clears and I realised its the complex security calling. Surely not!!! Heavy D loaded with more than a weeks worth of clothing, cycling kits and race food in a bag on his back arrives over an hour early in the dark on a motor bike! 

(BOd note: Smack him!!!)

So I am up and making coffee, packing bags and loading bikes on the trailer. We leave from here to fetch G. from Jas' place, collective knows as the "Yellowood Park Massive" or The Gang with the Pink Hankies, I believe. On the way we got diverted by Jas saying he left late and is now stuck in traffic, we need to fetch Gary first. We arrive at no. 6 (as instructed) and the guard phones us in. After several attempts we find out that Jason who is clearly still asleep gave us the wrong number. So we are now phoning no. 7...

(BOd note: G. is probably sleeping with his neighbour...)

Dinks posing by his Joke...

Finally around 09h30 we have everyone in the car and we are headed out towards Durban. The trip promises to be around 7 hours and is mostly uneventful, except for the ridiculously small petrol tank in the Juke. When your hauling 4 people with baggage, pulling a trailer with 4 bike on it. The 40L tank gets you as far as Harrismith and no further before your forced to pull over. Anyhow, we grab a quick Wimpy and off we go. 

(BOd note: At this point, BObbie calling Dinki's Juke a Joke, needless to say Dinks and BObbie ain't chewning right now...)

This is Jas, rumoured to know everything about a bicycle but can't find his zippers...

BObbie: (dissing) LOOK how flat this is...

Two petrol stops and a whole lot of wee wee break later we arrive at registration in Underberg where the fun really starts. No one knows why, but you get asked as part of your entry to indicate clothing sizes. We'll we know we getting a couple of jackets, a shirt and a cap, but the part that no one understands is why they bother with sizes as what you get in your box is about as lucky as the lotto. This year was not to bad though and since we were 4 we could mostly swop amongst ourselves and/or managed to source one or two items else where.

(BOd note: BObbie calls this "condom sharing", Dinks has to be held back...)

Soon after the race briefing we were off to the back packers. Jas' second favourite part of Sani, second only to tenting in between stages. This all went smooth untill Heavy D decided to take a short cut from the room to the car straight through a river, covered by grass off course, so he could not see it till he was knee deep into it. Now his only pair of tekkies were muddy and wet and had to be packed in a 100L crate with all his kit, food and spares for the next 3 days. Dinner was good though. The combination of ready made chicken and wors on the braai together with left over cheese, fig jam, salad, fish paste and god knows what else Heavy D got from the friendly old dude we met in the kitchen.

(BOd note: BObbie screams "tenting!!!", Dinks is holding Jas back...)

Broke Back has a new meaning...

No animals were harmed during the Broke Back...

Oooo, and I almost forgot about the coffee. I was on coffee duty, well tea mostly... I was also the only one who brought sugar, but at first, I couldn't find any in the kitchen. Eventually I found a big pot over by the stove of all places??? The first sip however revealed why the SALT was kept over by the stove. I nearly sprayed it all over the friendly old dude... Heavy D half in conversation a bit later see's the salty coffee on the counter and asks "Is this mine?" To which I replied "Yeah, made it for specially for you, man". Heavy D who is not really listening picks it up and the poor old dudes almost get it a second time!!! Perhaps this explains why team "West Side 26'ers" the gang with small wheels and yellow hankies did not suffer any cramps at this years Sani?

Everyone finishes up and off to bed. An early night before the trails of Sani2C begins tomorrow!

(BOd note: BObbie screams "tenting!!!")

Day 1 follows shortly, really, it will come, we promise...


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