MacSteal A Race Report - Dinki Edition, well, sort of...

Dinki thought he was gonna have a jol, he thought his teamies would be there for him and with him. He thought arrangements were made and he was gonna get a steal of the last race before the Argus, the nemesis race for Team B.O.

Nemesis it is.

On a cold and dark morning where his mates B.O.'d him, the BObbie nearly taken out by a car (BOd note: yes, we suspect it was a hit... and run...), flipped over on gravel. Nope, the driver just drove away, very classy...

They wrapped him up BObbie style...

Gloves completely torn...

Saddle actually snapped...

Cracked bar...

Cracked carbon sole...

Deraileur bent into the spokes...

11 speed no more...

On an evening where fun would have been had, the Gaat sew the nemesis himself and flipped over his handlebar (BOd note: yes, we suspect a SM session...).

Gaat thought he got lucky...

He even got a name card...

Waala wants in!!!

Ninja wants in!!!

Carpet burn...

Handcuff is for wrists and not for ankles...

This can only mean... woof, woof style?

(BOd note: Ja, well, OK, technically Gaat did get a ride...)

With Waala claiming he rode hard the very same night pulling out, the Dinki is left numberless, BOddyless and headed toward the East...

(BOd note: We gonna let you hear it straight from the Donkey's mouth...)

* * * * *

Since everyBOdy BO'd its was a bad start running up to the race. Not only that, but the tube I've been using since the 800 Durban Tour finally failed (BOd note: Don't recycle rubber...). Not punctured (BOd note: Ain't you lucky...), but the valved rusted shut so it could not be inflated or deflated for that matter (BOd note: Pops can help you on this...). I had to saw through the valve stem to deflate it so I could replace it I. It had been in there so long that the tube had melted into the tyre. Was weird (BOd note: Don't bum rubber...)...

So, arriving at Carnival City they closed the road to let the pro's through so naturally, traffic backed up to the back roads!!! Donki arrived late without a prearranged number and had to find his prearranged contact. Donki found him 3 minutes before his group started. Grabbed the number and retreated to C, where Slippies were waiting in mass with his B.O. BOddies... 

Tubbie chewned they planned to pull some slow crowd to a sub 3, Donki was in. We took off at a very relaxed pace (slow enough for even the Donki to operate a camera). The pace gradually increased, but dropped every TIME someBOdy with a M group number fall off the at the back. 

This continued till about half way when someone noticed we were running out of time and won't make the sub 3 at this pace. The pace was upped again and half of the group dropped off not long after. By now we looked like the Spartan 300 with all the stragglers from group A and B we picked up. 

EveryBOdy was still there though. Tubs, Chicken, some babe, Pops and even Pop's new Dev. This one seems to be a keeper though as she was kitted out in Centrum and sporting the traditional upside down number (BOd note: Pops get it raaight...)...

Anyhow, we continued on. At every turn there were less and less who were willing to work until only the Donki and the Chicken were left with around 10km (2h42, 18min on the clock) to go. Donki slurps down a beer, I mean carbo loaded and pushed hard whilst the rest sat back just as hard. Many attempts by the chicken to rally the troops, but nothing (BOd note: Slippery BOstards!!!). Second last turn 5km (2h52, 8min on the clock) to go, you can see the roof tops of Carnival City in the distance.

Two break out of the group and tried to get away (BOd note: Slippery BOstards!!!). Donki has seen this move before and was not going to let it happen again, but a cry came from the back. 

Tubbs: (in tears) Wait, wait, we are falling off...
Donki: (ignore) Effing BOstard sat on my wheel!!! I am NOT letting dem get away!!! 
Chicken: (KFC) Donki hold up, we work together, we get those BOstards...
Dinki: (#$@^%&#@) But, but, they are... Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicken: (Nandos) Trust me...

The wind was strong though and the BOstards could not get away. Donki and Chicken brought them back just before taking the last corner (2H59, 1min on the clock). 500m to go, something resembling a sprint started, but no real effort. Donki took the gap and powered through for a .... 159th place, missing the sub 3 by seconds (3h00, missed!!!)!!!

Boerie rolls and beer followed. It was a good day out. 

All hail Slippies for a good bunch ride.


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