Whale Sighting!

As D2D nears, the training intensifies for Team B.O.

Well OK, maybe just for some of dem...

Point is, since not everyBOdy wanna lide the fast and furious, most have opted to lide the SS version whilst the Goat and Papa only lides the LH version.

But den, the SS gets Lolly, Donkey, RoBOcop, Tallie, Taggie, Lani and the BObbie whilst the LH just feels... lonely...

No matter, Goat went to the aquarium and fetched heemself sum Whale...

Whale: (protesting) No, no, I don't do cold, wet, wind, dark or long and without food at the end.
Goat: (suspicious) BObbie?
BObbie: (you got me) OK, so I am LOOKing like a whale now... but you know, things could improve.
Goat: (profanity) Whale, ju must come.
Whale: (shaking his head) No, no, I no come long time.
Papa: (on a rampage) Either ju come on your own or I come and make you come!!!
Whale: (scared) OK, OK, I am coming...

Meanwhile, on the SS side...

Donkey: (I am a shark supporter I am) B.O., RoBOcop and I are Shark supporters.
BObbie: (why bother) You know you gonna get frustrated right?
Donkey: (you know me too well) Please, let's not go there.

Lani: (searching for an excuse) B.O., what? Huh? I can't hear you, did you say something...
BObbie: (WTF) #$@&^*&#^@#*@&#%...

Tallie & Taggie: (plotting) Ja, B.O., no, it's an issue thing, if you know what I mean...
BObbie: (WTF #2) Honestly, no I don't know...

Lolly & BObbie: (OFFS) #$&^@%#^*@&#...

Anyway, Papa, Goatie dragged poor Whale all the way into the Cradle. Papa wanna do the D2D simulation and off they go, fast and furious. They got on their big chain rings, they got out of the saddle, they dropped to 11, they... pop... on a tubby no less...

Whale: (miserable) Vok zies Papa, make me ride hard and he can't even keep a wheel!!! 

Whale: (why am I doing zies) Crap taught me zies once, but I just can't pomp like heem.
Goatie: (checking) Vok me Whale, how ju squeezed into that kit I have no idea...

I am not sure we can tell this story...

A picture tells a thousand words...

Needless to say, they weren't very fast but they were furious. And it turns out to be short and soft anyway...


Anonymous said…
"Vok me Whale, how ju squeezed into that kit I have no idea"

Vok Joo! I LOOK tight in my Kit!

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