The 2012 Argus Picture Diary

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Take me to Cape Town!!!

The Lani only allowed to fly a budget airline since he crashed R 5000 away from his teamies.

'Pa snores... It's a fact...

[Ed. note: (just by the way) The BObbie who last year was infamously delayed by some cheap airline and basically landed in Cape Town after 22h00 (his flight was supposed to leave at 08h30) and they still lost his luggage was delayed by 2 hours on this trip. everyBOdy insist he washes in the Atlantic...]

Anyway, it's time to start the Argus Long Weekend!!! It started with a "Rocket"...
Or maybe three... And not counting the drinks he bums off Slippies...

Cont 7 being initialized...

Cont 6 being initialized...

Katy arrived and made the dinner civil at least.

[EveryBOdy: (whining) Sure we don't expect decent food in a restaurant located in a tourists' joint. but the service level of this restaurant is shocking. Yes, yes, B.O.'s can be very advil but to walk away when the customer hasn't even finish his complaint is truly pathetic. Needless to say, no B.O.'s will be back, "rockets" or not...]

Then the party started...

Meanwhile up in Johannesburg, the left behinds decided to have a party of their own...

Tubs: (snickers) Party, I show ju what is a party!

He sure showed Cont 6...

Den he showed himself...

It's why we left them behind... having dinner ain't no party...

Regardless, if ju wanna party, ju must get up and do the Tradition Ride up to die Bos!!!

And zies BObbie is late again, and he lives 100m away from gather point?!!! Let's just go!!!

EveryBOdy: (advil) We go!!!

Cont 6 wanna show dem Seniles...

Lani giving a passive LOOK.

BObbie caught up...

On top of die BOS!!!

[Ed. note: (just by the way 2) As per tradition, Goat, BObbie and Lani picked on some palookas to give dem the LOOK and den tricked the palookas to chase them up to SuikeBOssie. Needless to say, those 2 morons was hopelessly out gunned and will suffer on race day. Lesson as always, never chase farm animals... Ex or not...]

Can BObbie take one pic serious?!!!

Camps Bay is loaded with palookas and tourists. Lani takes the teamies to a cake shop...

Stache: (hungry) Are we there yet?

Cakes, cakes and more cakes!!! BObbie immediately tries to hump them all...

Fruits?!!! How is that B.O. food?!!!

SomeBOdy not important: (has no idea why he is here) When I asked for a sponsored cycling team I meant a team who eat right, train hard and race for a better TIME!!!

Cont 6: (shocked) We are allowed to eat this before a race?!!!

And the teamies continues with eating...

'Pa and Katy calculating calories...

Tubs' BFF!!! Pluggie gets jealous!

Tourist Spot!


'Tall: (pleading) Maybe Taggie won't mind if I just kiss it, I mean just one sip...

Well behaved B.O.s...

Right... Moving on...

Katy tries with Crap's famous rain dance for good weather.

Lani takes BObaby 2 for a beach stroll, finds out BObaby has bigger... you know what... Lani immediately FELT small...

Oh wait, teamies still has to collect their numbers...

Never let Stache loose... ever!!!

TIME to go to bed...

Katy preparing for the big day...

At least we know Katy can pomp...

All appliconts, this is how you pin your numbers...

Teamies that are racing starts when sun don't shine...

And sits in the cage until they pass out...

But not all teamies are racing...

Taggie & 'Tall rides for charity.

Dev 1 knows her rules!!!

Top of Boyes...

Freaking tourists...

Lani: (satisfied) Oh yeah, lower, lower, that's the spot, oh yeah!!!

Crap: (advil) I asked for two girls!!!

Taggie: (Why am I standing?!!!) higher, yes baby, higher!!!

'Tall reckons this is how you tour.

BObbie: (advil) I asked for two!!!

[Ed. note: (just by the way 3) BObbie's first attempt to get a massage with an extremely cute girl was not a successful one. It basically ended when she asked if BObbie was faking it...]

At Simon's Town, Tour Squad was thirsty...

So they stopped for coffee, well, they not the only ones...

BObbie could not recall riding pass this in all his failed attempts for a sub 3...

Lani fixed a gal from Bloem and her bike. She took a photo for the teamies. 

Mmm... I wonder who taught her that move...

We have no idea why this photo is taken...

BObbie feeling lonely...

Not anymore...

Tour squad almost made it to the beach...

BOrats was here...

Chappies conquered...

Teamies wanted to moon it... but 'Tall refused, spoil sport...

One more...

[Ed. note: (just by the way 4) mid way through Chappies Teamies wanted to stop for pics. As BObbie was faking a cramp a tjop remarked that the drugs the Still Sponsor Centrum gave the teamies ain't working. BObbie & 'Tall after they took the photos, sprinted all the way to the top and waited for the tjop who only arrived minutes later, panting and dying. Hey tjop, maybe you should take some Centrum...]

SuikeBOssie!!! BObbie & 'Tall showed dem who's the BOss... whilst Crap rides a poor palooka into tar...

[Ed. note: (just by the way 5) For some totally pointless reason, mid way down from SuikeBOssie, BObbie went up front and started towing all on his own for around 12km, between 35km/h to 40km/h. Palookas jumping on the train was soon dispatched. BObbie claims he's the best domestique, Larry lights himself on fire...]

Katy after...

Cont 6 after...

The weekend isn't over yet, BObbie always gets a leg over...

BObbie started his training immediately...

Lesson as always, never bring a sword to a gun fight and never compare sizes with the BObbie...

And it's coffee after ice cream... BObbie can eat with the best...

Found the Ninja...

LOOKs like it's going for a replacement...

One should never buy fake...

According to the Tour Squad, Best Argus ever...

[Ed. note: (seriasly) The BOditor rushed this post since he's heading to the land of KTV, when more pics come through he will add them, maybe a story, or two...]


Sibusiso said…
Cant get any better than this, great work Bobbie

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