Race for Victory - Ninja Edition.
(Since the BOditor had sum "technicals", he could not show up at the race to report the race. 'Pa conned the Ninja into doing it and here's Ninja's version). Well, for me it all started early in the week with a promise of a race number from the Punda who couldn't ride his race coz he's a sick animal. Well, I prepared myself and got psyched and revved up raring to go. The Punda animal didn't provide me with a number after all coz he didnt bother to collect nor did he bother to inform the Ninja to collect. That was never gonna dampen the Ninja's spirit however. Well, (Ed. note: Well, we could very well started counting the wells in this BOg, because you know, well, there's a lot of well in it. Just saying) during breakie, after the pre-race leg loosener the Ninja requested to ride with Pa but e'body convinced her not to (Ed. note: Well, it was for your own good. The Pa, well, he's very advil). N eedless to say the Ninja go...