
Showing posts from September, 2011

Race for Victory - Ninja Edition.

(Since the BOditor had sum "technicals", he could not show up at the race to report the race. 'Pa conned the Ninja into doing it and here's Ninja's version). Well, for me it all started early in the week with a promise of a race number from the Punda who couldn't ride his race coz he's a sick animal. Well, I prepared myself and got psyched and revved up raring to go. The Punda animal didn't provide me with a number after all coz he didnt bother to collect nor did he bother to inform the Ninja to collect.  That was never gonna dampen the Ninja's spirit however. Well, (Ed. note: Well, we could very well started counting the wells in this BOg, because you know, well, there's a lot of well in it. Just saying) during breakie, after the pre-race leg loosener the Ninja requested to ride with Pa but e'body convinced her not to (Ed. note: Well, it was for your own good. The Pa, well, he's very advil). N eedless to say the Ninja go...

The Return of the Taliban!

One of the elders has returned after his unsuccessful missions. Yes Goat, the Met is on special.

The Return of the Whale!

Remember one of the greatest movie of all time by George-I-ruined-Star Wors-Franchise-by-directing-the-prequels-myself-Lucas, The Return of the Jedi? How young Luke realized how he was naive and arrogant and went back to Jedi Master Yoda and finally becomes a Jedi Knight? Well, at planet BO, a gigantic fish realized his tuna ways and decided he must change! He must find Master Yogurt on the planet of she-males and learn how to be a whale again. He gathered the heaviest mountain bike he can find and loaded a 35kg military sack. Every single day he climbed onto a feman, I mean the bike and rode the bitch, I mean the bike for 100 dollars. OK, it was 100km, for a month! The Whale trained and rode and broke his pelvis, or was it his ribs. Anyway, he returned, as a killer whale!!!!! The Whale is gonna be scary again. He can be touched at Critical Mess JHB this Friday night and Hekkies on Sunday.

The Black Sabbath (Lani Edition)

Team BO believes in harmony, peace and tranquility. So when a certain member of the team (the Goat) and another member of the team (zie Lani) has issues with each other, the teammies followed the political leaders of our beloved country and took sides, back stabbed, trashed each other behind their backs and acted as if nothing ever happens. Alas, our leaders would be proud of our deeds and should even leanr from us. But a feud of this stature is not an easy one to forget and forgive. Zie Goat first smacked zie Lani with his 19. Zie Lani den showed zie Goat how to use a wors by coming up with not just one, but two BObabies. Goat not to be outdone brought the Black Sabbath & the Red Devil and rode zie Lani's doggie hard. Zie Lani can't be outdone countered with a Red Devil of his own but lost in the poll. This was taken very hard by zie Lani and he waited patiently and finally, it's ready as Lani reveals; The Black Sabbath II, the return of the Black Knight!!!  P...

BObbie's S/T

The three AmiBOs (Lani, Goat & BOink) worked really hard last night at the Crit, especially BOink...

Restaurant Review - Cazzo Dio Porco "Lucius"!

After D2D (Ed. Notes: Yes, yes, where the heck is the race report? Well, it is up to 'Pa and Punda to publish as the BOditor is just too jinxed. It will come, eventually, like how they climbed Sterkies...) the team (Except the Goat who practically creamed a 2h30 and went back to do it again. Entire team curses him) decided that lack of proper fuel is the issue for such poor showing. They gathered to source more Italian restaurant to benefit the cycling community. Punda: (suggestive) Guys, guys, I heard that the Lucius is a restaurant that has been there forever and it's owned by genuine Italians and has great atmosphere and it's extremely popular and it's always full and you have to make a booking or you won't get served. Ninja: (matter of factly) Ja, ja, I been there, twice. Goat: (spits) Ha-puey! BObbie: (snickers) So's the Spur. Lani: (stating) I don't eat where I have to book. Punda: (upset) You guys are so snobbish and never listen to what I have...

The Day Before...

Since D2D is considered to be an important race for Team BO, everyone except the Goat who thinks he is just too good to train showed up for pre-race training. Pluggie & SF100WSD though had permission to S/T. Ninja was present too, can you find the Ninja?