Don't LOOK if you are under 50!!!!!

And don't say I didn't warn you!!!

It is with a heavy heart, disturbed thoughts, revulsion, repugnance, aversion, distaste, nausea, abhorrence, loathing, detestation, odium, contempt and disgust, that I, the Team Editor, have to bring you this announcement. Nothing in my life has prepared me for this and I am almost certain your mothers have not prepared you for this and I hope you fathers definitely did not. As I type this, it felt maggots are crawling all over the keyboard and I have to type without gloves. Every key stroke squashes the white, bouncy, slippery worms and a squirt of a pus shoot at your face.

The only positive thing I can say is that people will do anything to obtain their BO status and as per the BO bible, BOstache has regained his BO status.

BOditor is taking leave for a few years. He just puked all over the maggots...


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