
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Arms Race Report - Just One More Edition

Since BObbie can't ride fast... He let his bikes do the chewning... First up, the trust old horse, the Sempre with Campagnolo Chorus 11 speed and Campagnolo Shamal Dark Labels. And BObbie's new training partner, the 1885!!! BObbie's Alu 1885 is equipped with Campagnolo Anthena 11 speed and Campagnolo Eurus with puncture proof tubeless Hutchinson Fusions. Well, BObbie can puncture anything... Yes, BObbie figured it would be hard for Donkey, Lolly, TallieTag, BOatie, Chicken and Pa to pronounce Campagnolo. Let's help them, everybody together now, S-h-i-t-m-a-n-o and S-l-i-p-r-a-m. Tubs can pronounce it, but he has been seen slipping the ram on a Bianchi... Anyway, let's get back to business, nothing less than the fastest for BObbie. The new fast must be stiff so it can carry BObbie's weight. It must be light because BObbie has too much weight. It needs to be aero because BObbie is wide. It must be sexy because BObbie is bu...

The Arms Race Report - Pa Wants IN Edition

Well, it is 2014, and we simply cannot have a 2014 without yep, you guessed it, another freaking arms race report. LOOK, in Pa's defence, he always pick the wrong colour and ends up flaccid. But not this TIME, this TIME, he's coming after the Goat! Pa is launching his own Black Sabbath!!! Yes, it's the 2785th one!!! Yes, EveryBOdy has them!!! ( BOd note: We apologize for the poor quality of the image, I mean, it's black, it's probably made in China, it could have been Specialized, or it's just Special, or Spastic, we not sure, we can't tell...) Gaat: (remarking) Is that a saddle bag?! I mean a saddle bag? Really? A saddle bag? Gaat: (commenting) Huh? you say it has a S on the head tube? I see nuthing... Gaat: (whatever) You mean you need "special" bottle cages? Why? They doped up? Gaat: (nail flicking) You say the saddle is "special" huh? Why? They black? Gaat: (advising) LOOK Papa, I not know what sabbath...