
Showing posts from February, 2013

The Arms Race Report - Lace Up Edition

Well, since the Hit & Run practically ruined BObbie's shoes... TIME to LOOK for some replenishment... On an entirely unrelated matter, BObbie claims his wors is pure, no Donki involved whats so ever...

MacSteal A Race Report - Dinki Edition, well, sort of...

Dinki thought he was gonna have a jol, he thought his teamies would be there for him and with him. He thought arrangements were made and he was gonna get a steal of the last race before the Argus, the nemesis race for Team B.O. Nemesis it is. On a cold and dark morning where his mates B.O.'d him, the BObbie nearly taken out by a car (BOd note: yes, we suspect it was a hit... and run...) , flipped over on gravel. Nope, the driver just drove away, very classy... They wrapped him up BObbie style... Gloves completely torn... Saddle actually snapped... Cracked bar... Cracked carbon sole... Deraileur bent into the spokes... 11 speed no more... On an evening where fun would have been had, the Gaat sew the nemesis himself and flipped over his handlebar (BOd note: yes, we suspect a SM session...) . Gaat thought he got lucky... He even got a name card... Waala wants in!!! Ninja wants in!!! Carpet burn... Handcuff...

It's a Chicken!

We are proud to announce after a series of convincing P erformance E nhancing D evelopments, Stache has been awarded for his hard work, dedication as the new oldest member of the Animal Farm. His new code name is the Chicken!!! We not sure if he is a KFC or a Nandos, but he's a Chicken now...

The Hunt for the Fatties - Dischem Ride for Sight 2013

The B.O.'s are divided. Yes, for those of you who are jealous of the camaraderie, the friendly bantering and the all for one and one for all ways they have displayed on this very blog, they are without a shadow of doubt, a divided community. On the one side you have the dedicated, motivated, disciplined and thinned out tweeners of Gaatie, Tallie, Papa, Punda, Taggie, Katy, Stache, and Dev1, who cares what they eat, how many hours they sleep and miles they accumulate. On the other side though, mentioning the very names of these B.O.'s makes you feel bloated like a twinkie. Crap, BObbie, Waala, BOatie, Tubby, Dinki, roBOcop, Lani and Lolly (BOd: Lolly strenuously insist he belongs to the healthy thinners, but they don't want him) , who cares what they eat, how much they eat, how many hours they sleep on a couch, how cold it is, how dark it is and how wet it gets. Needless to say, the conflicts is real. To resolve their differences, the few that are attending the Disch...

The Midmar Crisis - Dinki Edition

To date, we not so sure what happened at the Half Men event. All we know is that Gaatie barely became half a man and the Dinki was half a man. How they compared sizes remains unknown, but we do know that Dinki is walking "stomach in, chest out". No matter, after he was half a man, the Dinki decided he's conquering new fronts. Being half the man he is, the Dinki brought him an E and joined Spiderman and his "Property" (BOd note: Miss. whoever you are, please note that the word "Property" was "borrowed". Should you have any issues with this please take up with Spiderman) towards Midmar to show them who's half the man. 2785 faithful, loyal and rabid fans: (complaining) Midmar? WTF?!!! Do you people cycle anymore?!!! Team BO Public Relations Officer: (preaching calm) LOOK, settle down, Dinki was on E . What's that? No, no, not E phedrine. Huh? No, definitely not E cstasy. He's just on E . And what's a job for the ...

The Story of how Gaat Refused to Climb One Last Hill

So this fine Saturday passed A buddy of Gaat & BObbie arrives from Shanghai before latching on a flight to Cape Town. Gaat & BObbie decided to go see the man for a quick breakie. Gaat: (excited) BOddy from Shanghai is here, let's do a breakie at the airport!!! BObbie: (hungry) Stroight, we gonna drive all the way through or drive to Sandton and catch a Gau-way-over-charged-for-citizens-of-S.A.-and-a-ripoff-for-tourists-so-certain-fatcats-can-get-fat-meanshile-it-coould-have-been-a-solution-for-JHB-traffic-and-end-that-etoll (fine, fine, I won't start another rant thread)-bitching-session-train? Gaat: (are you nuts) No fat boy, get on your bike, we riding to the airport. BObbie: (turnign his back to the Gaat) B.O. With some "persuasion" from the Lani though, Gaat had BObbie strapped on the bike and strapped on a new GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition camera on the bars to film the expedition. The expedition started poorly, what with BOchanic usin...