The B.O.'s are divided. Yes, for those of you who are jealous of the camaraderie, the friendly bantering and the all for one and one for all ways they have displayed on this very blog, they are without a shadow of doubt, a divided community. On the one side you have the dedicated, motivated, disciplined and thinned out tweeners of Gaatie, Tallie, Papa, Punda, Taggie, Katy, Stache, and Dev1, who cares what they eat, how many hours they sleep and miles they accumulate. On the other side though, mentioning the very names of these B.O.'s makes you feel bloated like a twinkie. Crap, BObbie, Waala, BOatie, Tubby, Dinki, roBOcop, Lani and Lolly (BOd: Lolly strenuously insist he belongs to the healthy thinners, but they don't want him) , who cares what they eat, how much they eat, how many hours they sleep on a couch, how cold it is, how dark it is and how wet it gets. Needless to say, the conflicts is real. To resolve their differences, the few that are attending the Disch...