It's a Joke - The 2011 Jock according to the Goat.

(Editor's Note: This is the Goat's first attempt to be a BOditor...) Part I We started out on Friday afternoon by ensuring there was enough food. many fruits were bought to sustain the animals. As copilots go - Whales are not great with directions... The treacherous Austrian Panda forced us to collect his chip whilst he made out with Sumlab. At some point in the evening the Goat, recognizing the sequence of events and remembering the late arrival at Argus decided it was time to pass the phone to the Whale to give directions (snigger). (Editor's note: yes, yes, I didn't get that either...) Upon arrival at the modest -3 stars accommodation in Barberton the Whale and Goat proceeded to destroy Panda's sleeping quarters. Jumping on the bed, leaving windows open, Whale wiped his rear on the pillow, Goat came on the bed, they left religious reading materials on the scene of the crime and obliterated the toilet by dropping some old school beats... (Editor's ...